Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Most people I see think almost all Asians are “Chinese” lol

I’ve seen videos of old Asian and men getting their face planted into the ground for corona. Dozens of them. But media won’t show.

Also BLM was nothing more than a terrorist group burning and looting in the name of a crack head.

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You’re all about getting pandered too. The next thing Blizz is gonna release a statement about how they support the Islamic religion, all while china murders thousands of Muslims. and you will be happy with it!


yeah, you’d rather they just get murdered but no one knows about it.

That’d make you happy, wouldn’t it?

I mean they already have that. You can get married in a church but it means nothing till you go sign paperwork at the clerk of courts.

I despise all of these social movements, and social media. They’re more like social cancer, as they break down rationale, and give green lights to bad behavior without repercussion.

The stupidity of humanity has been on full display these last few years. Add millions of people in to the mix… it mutates, and mutates…then… all I see is a beast with tentacles.

Social movements become witch hunts. They prove to me that large
groups of people are terrifying, and mainstream ideologies are not to be trusted.
Conversations with people in these groups always turn political. One can never have a light friendship with anyone who has gone down this route. They’re usually intense people who want to endlessly open their gaps about this junk despite you setting boundaries. I’ve written off many people over the years because they just couldn’t respect my requests for nothing political in our friendship.

People in groups wig me the f out, and these heard mentality movements terrify the hell out of me.

The moment any movement begins, I always hear, “Burn The Witch!”

I learned that’s quite healthy of me to visual all protesters ALL RACES - I have to say this because people get all pissy about words … I visualize them as baboons who instead of throwing molotov cocktails, and slanderous statements… are just flinging their digested matter / filth at the world around them while looking like Trigglypuff.

It allows me to take a deep breath, and continue in my own sphere of rational thinking.

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You care enough to comment

*A Karen has entered the thread^


Mental illness is no joke, good for them.

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Sees thread about Pelagos being Trans
Clicks thread with intention to show support
Sees posts about Biden, Trump, BLM, and Systemic Racism being made half a year after the thread’s creation

I havent read a single quest since Wrath. I literally have no clue lore wise what is happening.

Why in the sam hell is it always a no-post count alt that necros these threads? And especially a Ralph thread, of all things.

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Transgender isn’t gay… actually nobody knows what it is.

SoCiAl MeDiA iS CaNcEr… lol… we are just happy to have one trangender character in game. Why is this that such an issue for you?

oh…got it


Blizzard is so behind the times though. The Garfield universe introduced the world’s first transgender character (Nermal) way back in 1979.

Agreed…there should be a lot more LGBQT content but this is progress and folx are happy about it.

Trans people need help, not encouragement. Bring on the hate!!

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Objection! Cis men can be cootie-patooties too! This doesn’t mean Nermal is trans!

(I’m assuming this was a joke, considering I can’t find anything to confirm Nermal was a trans character)

You can help trans people by encouraging them. I can’t think of anything more helpful to someone than telling them that they are welcome in society.

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You dont need to ban them from entering a building. But you cant encourage someone when thry claim they are suddenly the opposite gender. This idea that gender is decided is nonsense and not good for society especially with children now being taught this. Sending drag queens to elementary schools telling them their genders are not set is disgusting. Gay is fine, it actually makes sense. Trans is too far and shouldnt be encouraged

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Nobody is saying that gender is arbitrary. Trans people aren’t “deciding” to be trans. There is a wealth of scientific information on this. But even beyond this, I have yet to see any information that shows that children are in any way harmed by being taught the existence of trans people at a young age.

Sending “drag queens” to elementary school? Really? That term refers to someone who is intentionally being provocative with their choice of attire. This is not something that is happening in elementary schools, even in the most liberal of states.

And once upon a time people thought that being gay wasn’t fine. Have you considered the idea that maybe you’re as wrong about trans issues now as homophobes were about gay issues back then?

There is a scientific consensus that reaffirms the validity of trans individuals. Just off the top of my head, this includes the American Medical Association, which has been active for over a century and is the largest collection of physicians in the country.

It’s one thing to feel that you’re right here, but your feelings aren’t backed by data, and you really should take a moment to consider why it is that you feel the way that you do and if that feeling has any basis in rational thought. Many times in history, when we’ve taken that opportunity to do some introspection, we’ve discovered that the way we’ve been doing things has actually been wrong.


Transgender affairs cross many boundaries, including politics, medicine, psychology and the law -lawyers are still debating how to define gender, or even if such a definition is necessary. Everyone has a contribution, for how we view gender identity affects us all, whoever or whatever we are. The transgender community has done us all a service by making us think hard about a topic that, only a few years ago, seemed of little interest.