Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

You people just suck up whatever the news spews out and tells you to accept because you wont be “normal” if you dont. Cant have an opinion thats different from main stream at all, gotta be normal am I right my man? So do you also defend giving hormones for the opposite gender to children and kids under 18? Kids cant get a tattoo or sign contracts because of their ignorance but they can get prescription drugs for hormones to change genders? Not a single person in this thread can disagree with trans and the “you decide gender” bs because its public and they dont want to go against the social norms!!! I’m already vegan so I dont have anything to lose when it comes to public hate so I’ll say it. Trans isnt natural, gay makes more sense, children shouldnt be encouraged to do it jor allowed to take those hormones. Whats your argument for kids taking it?

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If the mainstream news is backed by scientific consensus, then yes. I am going to follow it. What, should I invent some wacky conspiracy theory as to why the majority of scientific professionals are affirming the validity of trans people just so I can be uniquely wrong? Why on earth would I do that? Why should anyone do that?

I sure as hell don’t know more than the medical professionals whose job it is to study this kind of stuff. These are the people who are discovering things like trans brains closely resemble the brains of their desired gender from a young age, which could lead to better detection of gender dysphoria in children.

What basis do I have to discredit their work? The existence and validity of trans people are backed by science. It’s just a fact.

Children aren’t being encouraged to take hormones. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re taking the most sensationalist headlines imagine and presenting them as fact. The process that gets children on hormones (or puberty blockers) is extensive and requires consultations with multiple separate medical professionals. They don’t just hand them out like candy.


Extremely offensive and goes against the lived experiences Transgender folx have had for hundreds of years.

What most people don’t realize is transgender people can face up to 50 to 60 instances of micro-aggression (casual discrimination) a day — which takes a huge psychological toll.

We are so heavily oppressed that for now, we need to not only acknowledge that trans and gender diverse people are discriminated against, but take active steps to empower and elevate these voices

lol wut…? So because you experienced backlash for being vegan its okay to be offensive to trans folx?

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Ah gotcha. So you do approve of children taking hormones and not making a decision like that until they are adults and comprehend their decision? You know a huge number of trans people who change their gender have also changed it back? So why would you approve of children doing that and not adults? Anything mainstream my mam lol like I said, gotta appear normal. If the TV tells you its ok for children to take hormones, then you gotta agree. People like you cant even think “Hmm I agree with trans but maybe children shouldnt be allowed to do that until they are adults, considering the many trans people who change their gender back to its original, that means its a decision that takes an adult mind” Nope if the TV tells you children can take ot then your gonna accept it. I bet you believe your government has never lied to you about anything, since you believe anything that comes out the TV. Would you lrt a man who is a trans woman but says hes a lesbian trans so still likes women baby sit your children alone for 12 hours? Or would you pick a woman who has a normal mind? Who would you trust your kids with more alone? Whatever you say, you and nearly anyone else would pick the woman with the normal brain lol


Capitalism wins again.


No, again this is not a dating website.

Why do we need ALOT MORE transgender content in a video game?

Why do you people not understand people are not interested to know NPC sexual preference?

We just want almost A sexual heroes that fight war in Warcraft and move the story.

Not turn into omg anduin was a female!!

Nobody cares or wants this type of story



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So basically you took what he said and twisted it? Got it! That is why people are sick of talking about this bogus crap and hearing about it. But carry on troll, I am gonna sit the rest of this one out. Going to enjoy my :popcorn: and watch the inc show.

Nice racial slur of an insult. I despise people who follow social trends, and tear the world apart under the guise of progress. Your self entitled attitude is what these social trends stinks of. It’s precisely why I can’t stand these movements. You are a perfect example of the social media hysteria that marches around the internet demanding obtuse ideologies change every aspect of society.

It’s junk like this that permeates out of the social trends.


I mean, that guy was obviously trying to provoke you, but last I checked there wasn’t a race of people known as the Karens from the country of Karenia.

Getting called a Karen is more of a meme than a social movement, and continuing to raise your fist at the sky and shout about those dang millennials is… probably only going to validate the original Karen insult, if we’re being perfectly honest.

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I disagree. It’s a term used to insult white women. It’s a racial slur.


Anyone can act like and be called a Karen, Karen, irrespective of race, sex, gender, etc

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BS. It’s always targeted at white middle aged women.


It’s used to criticize entitled women, which is why he reacted to the content of your post. It isn’t even exclusively used towards white women; the fact that the majority of Karens (at least in terms of the videos you’re referencing) happen to be white women is largely due to U.S. demographics.

Nobody has any idea what your race or age is. Being called a Karen is just an attitude check. And again, trying to pretend that it’s a racial slur sort of validates the original criticism, which is exactly how “karens” get called out in the first place; for being entitled and thinking they are above everyone else.


For the record. I’m a man. By saying I hate these social movements, and the fact that I think they’re absolute cancer doesn’t make me entitled at all.

It makes me against social media, and the BS it’s bringing to society. I think people who follow these trends are parrots. That’s what terrifies me. People in large groups are rampageous, and unpredictable. Mob mentality freaks me out, and social media is promoting a lot of that.


My first point- i didn’t even realize this when i played through bastion, so for all those people freaking out, they’re really overreacting.

Second point- it’s at least something. Do you really think blizzard or this community is at the point of having openly queer characters without a caveat?

I’ll take what i can get as far as seeing diversity in games.

Which is even more evidence that “Karen” is a check on behavior and not a criticism of someone’s ethnic or gender identity. Men can be Karens too. Nobody’s going to film a white middle aged woman going to the grocery store and title it something like “Karen caught in her natural habitat.” That wouldn’t make sense. Now, if she got into a fight with the cashier, then it would make sense. But this isn’t some social movement to attack white middle-aged women in general.

This sounds like some boomer fearmongering, and vague fearmongering at that. Social media stuff tends to stay on social media. 80% of the stuff on twitter comes from only 10% of its users, and if it had as dramatic an impact as you seem to think it does, we’d be living with president Bernie Sanders right now.

I certainly don’t think social media or the Karen meme is going to stir up mobs to burn down the country. At least, I think that’s what you’re getting at. I really don’t know how to take the “large groups are rampageous” or the “mob mentality” lines.

Sometimes a meme is… just a meme, you know? It’s not the downfall of society as we know it.

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I see the future differently. I see more and more rise of extremism, and mass polarization…if you look at history… Every time extremism takes hold, it rises to a form of power… and that power usually turns in to wars because they are driven by brutal ideologies.

I firmly believe we are seeing the start of a much bigger problem.

This is how I see the future.

Ok, maybe? Extremism is a definite problem, sure.

But you realize you’re spiraling about this over one person supporting trans rights and another person calling you a Karen, yeah? These things don’t seem connected in the slightest, especially since the latter is, once again, a harmless internet meme.

I swear, if we actually went to war over “Karen” we would be a bigger historical laughingstock than the Emu War.

That’s right; the Emu War.

The concerns you’re bringing up in this forum are the equivalent of me crashing a Fortnite livestream to shout “this is why we’re all about to die from climate change!!!” Like, yeah, that’s a pretty important thing to be concerned about, but… time and place, buddy.

Just chill out for a bit, ok? Karens and trans people on the WoW forums aren’t going to be the harbingers of the end times, I promise you.

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That’s fine, but it still doesn’t change the fact that social media is the incubator, and it will continue to harbor, and allow this to get worse. We need to be having the counter discussions too, but posts like this will flame anyone who disagrees. They don’t allow for a counter discussion. They used derogatory words against people who disagree with them. They don’t debate, and I’m disgusted with them for acting like this.

This is what the left does. It attacks a persons character instead of intellectually challenging their opinion. There is no debates with these people… .a wave is coming, particularly in u.s…darkness… sigh…

however, history also demonstrates that light prevails over darkness, democracy over fascism, good over evil…sometimes takes a lot to get there…

but…you…me…yr mom…my mom…we all wouldnt be here had it not been for war…sad and ugly fact of stupid human occupation of mother earth

Sigh! I just don’t want anymore of this fighting. I want it all to stop… just when the left goes like this… it usually grows in to an ugly form of power that hurts millions.

I don’t want that. I want peace, but right now, the masses are too caught up in their crusades from social media to stop. Just please stop.

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