Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Everyone faces discrimination, man. Everyone. Recently American society would have you believe that only black people face discrimination, from only white people. Disliking other people for their differences is a human thing, not a racial thing. Generalization is a tool of the ignorant because they’re simply not smart enough to judge the individual.

One black president! Racism is fixed! You are hilarious.

Regardless, Asians facing discrimination does not mean suddenly black people stopped facing discrimination.

Yes, we should ALSO work on eliminating Anti-Asian speech. I never said otherwise.

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Well in regards to same rights I know in the US there were an unreal amount of rights granted by a legal marriage that were not granted by civil unions.(Someone in a civil union could be refused permission to see their partner in the ICU for example)

I believe in the UK Civil Unions provided the same rights as a legal marriage but Separate But Equal never feels ok.


My only problem is they kinda hid it in some random conversation 99% of the WOW population would never see if it wasn’t told to them. In the main story content the guy never makes any references to this. Even after you share your soul with this guy you actually have to go ask him about it.

Also is it really Trans if it’s your next/after life? Is there another term for that? I know pre and post op have different terms.

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See i have no problem with civil unions versus marriage if civil union is ALL that the government recognizes. By all means leave religions with the word marriage and the government only recognizes unions which are legal processes. You can get married or not, it doesn’t matter legally in other words.

As you said, in the US the two had vastly different rights and THAT is the problem


I find it funny you don’t see the irony of your statement.

Maybe we should only have straight white male characters? That wouldn’t be pandering… AT ALL… would it?

No diversity allowed. All characters look the same. Not even Orcs vs Humans; just make everyone human.

youre again picking and choosing what Ive said

blacks even have their own holiday in the usa.

They are represented in the media in all through out sports, entertainment and politics.

Affirmative action, blacks have easier time getting into unis.

So you’ve had a black presdient, you’ve got black politicians, black leading movie stars in hollywood, easier time getting into schools, are represented in almost every sport possible on espn.

I don’t see the discrimination here at all. If anything there’s slight privilege

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MSNBC was doing interviews on one of their shows and there were 3 interviews with white people who said “Well I never see any racism”

The 3rd person said “And well I wouldn’t see it would I?”

I am continually surprised at all the antisemitism I have seen. Most people in my life haven’t seen it themselves because it only rears its ugly head when I mention bein Jewish. Same with bein gay too.

Prejudice can be very individual and someone who is very homophobic may never give indication of that in a large group where they can be critiqued for it. There are countless tales of public figures saying homophobic, racist, or transphobic things in private. We only find out because of frank interviews and in some cases leaked audio and video.


you are projecting.

So, in the US: black people are not more likely to go to prison? Black people are not more likely to be unemployed? Black people don’t earn, in average, less than white people?

Also, the police is TOTALLY not more likely to kill black people?


It’s such a privilege…

I was on a discussion group and I said they should just remove the word “marriage” from all legal documents and make a new word for it. I jokingly said “Call em BlurgenBlafts. Have every Blurgenblaft provide all the rights and privileges that marriage currently does. People who want to have a marriage can get their legal Blurgenblaft and then have their marriagr in a church and whatnot Blessed by a priest etcetera.”

I mean they wouldn’t call it a funny german sounding word but a lot of people agreed with me.

I also know of several people who might enter into that type of civil agreement for financial reasons too. So it could have benefits well outside of just romance if everyone could just get a Blurgenblaft.

There’s no systematic racism in USA anymore calm your self with that liberal bs.

Certain people goto jail more often maybe because they are committing more crimes.

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its called “pandering”

and every corporate schill is doing it

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All I can do when I read ignorant comments like this is laugh. It’s like you live in a different planet, or just don’t go outside.

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No, you just have a loser mentality.

How about instead of blaming everything outside and start focusing on things you can control to take control of your life?

Do you believe there’s gender wage gap as well?

Get a life.


You’re pathetic for enjoying Blizzard pandering to you. The content of the pandering is irrelevant.

If for example Blizzard put in a character who had obvious conservative views and would make statements about making azeroth great again by returning to tradition, it would be equally pathetic of someone who was like “OMG! Blizz is totally embracing diversity of thought!!”

No - they are pandering. Its pathetic of them and its pathetic of the people who are happy to be pandered to.

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pretty sure you are the pathetic one for getting offended over “pandering.”


haha, the irony.

A thread full of people getting offended over ONE trans character. you people, are funny.


No he’s right. Biden “won” the election – racism is cured. Notice how there are no more BLM protests?

Not true. Nobody blames the Japanese, Koreans, etc.

Pretending that China doesn’t deserve most of the blame for the pandemic only promotes the racism you refer to. And it’s not the Chinese people as a whole, it’s their (corrupt) government.

i hate virtue signaling

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