Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

South Korea is not all of Asia.

But still, South Korea lacks protection against discrimination in a large part of the country. Same sex couples are not legally recognized. And since you brought up a trans person; she is was literally the second person in the entire country to have reassignment surgery (it’s that uncommon).

You being willfully blind does not change reality.

Imagine caring what gender an NPC is.

People are too obsessed with this for a video game. Get the quest, do the thing, move on. They could be genderless for all I care, as long as the loot is good.


That’s because marriage is really a religious thing? That could be why. I don’t go and try to change other religions to fit my belief, but that’s just me.

you completely ignored south east asia. Thailand, phillpines, taiwan, vietnam and a host of other countries are VERY big on gay/trans community.

USA is also very open. You guys cried so much in NYC subways they cannot even announce “ladies and gents”.

Isn’t that enough?

I have never traveled and seen 1 gay couple being bashed on. Not once.

Marriage is NOT a religious thing. It’s a legal thing. Marriage allows committed couples to share finances, and have decision power on one another’s health.

But sure, keep being ignorant.

Yet, you are the one crying here. How the tables turn.

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Try Malaysia, Indonesia, or Brunei, or even Singapore.

Yeah, I actually had no idea Pelagos was supposed to be transgender until I came to the forums, because I don’t bother to read quest text other than looking at objectives. I also don’t care, but I’m also not the intended audience.

I’m pretty atheist, but even I’d say this is a stretch. Like much of our legal system, marriage is also a “legal thing” based on religious tradition, not the other way around. In fact, since you can get the same protections and privileges under the law without marriage, but the fight has always been for marriage specifically, I’d say the issue of what marriage is, is not so clear cut.

They are also adding a drug-addicted hunter named Biden that acts as a liaison with questionable foreign agents.

Blizzard is WOKE!

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Maybe the packet of proof that never materialized actually got sent to Blizzard?

The thick plotens.

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um im not crying?


I dont have anything against representation, but to go out and say there’s SO MUCH HOMOPHOBIA EVERYWHERE, why haven’t i seen it yet?

If homophobia is everywhere, why is my office assistant a gay male? That I HIRED?

Perhaps, many people don’t even care who’s gay or not but judge people based on their ability or personality…

Only you guys make it an issue.

Is it an homage to China?

Well, the only reason we know what “gender” he is is because Blizz had to grandstand over their pandering.

That’s like racist people saying black people are the ones with the problem.

EDIT: Also, I’m not trans. lol.

It is a new goblin faction that wear a red tabbard with a yellow star. In the questline we find out that these goblins started a plague and spread it throughout Azeroth, and find ways to profit from it.

Any similarities to real life is merely a coincidence…

Same. I thought they were kind of annoying, and then one day I came here, and find out I was ‘transphobic’ for not liking them.

The victim mentality makes my eyes roll back so far I get migraines.

black oppression is long gone.

It’s actually asians that face crap tons of racism from corona now a days and during university acceptance where they are discriminated against, because literally there’s “too many of them”

If that isn’t REAL discrimination i dont know what is

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you are delusional.

Or you were completely in a bubble during 2020.

how am i delusional.

we’ve had a black president in the USA, we have black celebrities, sports players, affirmative action, even have a holiday MLK day.

What are you talking about?

are you just going to ignore the real discrimination going on in the educational system against asians?

Did you not see that lady that got lit on fire by a bunch of people yelling “get the f out of this country you rat eating ****”

But ok, ignore all that because it doesnt fit your narrative.

Funny thing is asians dont go out and start crying about it. They just stay quiet, work hard and kill 'em with success.

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Oh god this is a parody account right?

I dont particularly care what blizz does and thinks to pander. I do find it funny when people like you are excited to be pandered too. Its pathetic.

pelagos is officially benched on my team and will never be used

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