Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

We’ve had trans in game for over 15 years. When male priests die they became female angels. Blizzard was way ahead of the times. :smirk:


Its not virtue signaling though. Its just them adding a story for diversity, just like how they are adding customization for more diverse humans. There’s nothing negative about that.


Seriously? Because I said I don’t care if the character is straight or gay? I mean are you even trying?!?


I edited the post to further clarify what I mean by virtue signaling.

Oh, so they were already trans before death. Gotcha. That works.

Simply reincarnating into another gender after death isn’t sufficient, though. Good to know there’s more to it.

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"I had a female form in life. I don’t recall my former name, or even my race, but I…never felt like my physical form represented who I was inside.

It never felt as clear to me then as it does now. I struggled with that identity for my entire life… But when I arrived in Bastion I became an aspirant that looked like, well…

This! A male form!

I felt…comfortable! Excited! Like who I was inside matched what others saw for the first time!"

I am not sure if you are trolling or not, but anyone who says the above “isnt something a trans person would absolutely say”, then clearly you have no idea what trans is.


Guys, to everyone getting worked up… Just know that you’re being trolled.

So, how about everyone rethink what ever they’re about to post, and ask yourself if it matters… Just flag and move on.


No its not short for “transitioning”, its short for transgender. Look at a picture of a molecule. Then google “trans molecule vs cis molecule” and you will see that the molecule itself does not have to change its form to be a trans molecule.

I can tell you don’t have any actual transgendered friends.


All I see is someone saying they “don’t care” while getting very flustered at the same time.

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yeah im getting the feeling that Ralph is a troll about now


I literally don’t care what you have to say when you assume things about me.

I actually have friends who are post transition and pre transition.

What stupid things should I assume about you?


Holy damn that was a lightning fast hiding of a post. Even King Mechagon would be proud of that efficiency.

Only because you are clearly trying to paint me as anti-gay and toxic. I mean that is clearly your intent and honestly I am done wasting time with you.

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And do they know you’re spouting ignorance about “transitioning has everything to do with being trans”? You realize non-binary people exist and they are also trans?


Oh let’s not go there, if they cant understand trans, imagine what would happen if I told them I am a non binary pandaren, these people would have a fit xD


Was I not actually gay until I made out with a guy?



Are you always so confrontational and rude? Do you always assume people don’t know things? Do you always assume people don’t have the experiences that they do?

It’s a very child like way of thinking to assume attributes of people you have no intimate knowledge about. But, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

So, why do you feel the need to be so defensive?

It is always hilarious when non LGBT people try to explain what being LGBT means xD


The irony of this post, paired with what you posted earlier, really hits like a satire.

Yeah, he’s totally not using this issue to troll people. He totally doesn’t do this all the time.