Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Heh, he got denied his Ascension by a Paragon of Linkin Park.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

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was a good Peter Gabriel album.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention so I know never to talk to this npc.

Don’t worry, he doesn’t want to talk to a judgmental person like you either.


Is that supposed to be an insult? I’m 100% judgemental and very proud of it. Keeps the chaos out of my life.

Imagine being afraid of a trans NPC haha what a big strong manly man you are.

UwU♂♂ :rainbow_flag:


The last thing any real man is scared of someone in the LGBT community. Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better about your life choices knock yourself out. I limit the degeneracy in my life for the sake of my mental stability.


:joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:

You’re so adorable! Cute lil impotent rager.

UwU♂♂ :rainbow_flag:


For me, I saw that they were adding a trans character and I thought “o, that’s cool” then i moved on. I am a straight white dude, I have plenty of representation in my media. If a trans person gets to see people like them in media they enjoy then good. Doesn’t effect me but it makes them feel good then good.


That explains why so many people were doing the /spit emote when they were around. Not me at all but constantly while I was questing people were.

I’m not mad I don’t care about LGBT people at all. They have nothing of value to bring to my life so I have nothing to do with them.

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And some muslim country on the other side of the planet would just call it a “western ideology” and start campaigning against it in the name of religion. And by campaigning I mean raiding someone’s private house, prosecutions and setting up conversion camps.

change is not immediate. It’s generational. That’s why small nuggets help. They sway public opinion little by little.

And it’s not just about the middle east; Russia, and most of Asia still hold homophobia. Even in the US, while not overbearingly prevalent, it is present.

Besides, there’s a long list of reasons why this is a good thing, can you name any reason why it’s bad?

hmmm ive traveled almost all of asia,usa,canada and a good chunk of europe.

It seems to me that gay/bi is very well accepted in most places.

where have you been?

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their laws say otherwise.

If anything asians face “real” discrimination during university phase where Ivy leagues are declining them because there are too many of them.

There are many asians lying on their application stating they are “african american” to get into ivy leagues now.

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what law? One of the most famous models in korea was a trans woman and she is an amazing person. She donates to help the poor all the time.

If you look at countries like philippines, thailand, and almost all of south east asia, some of the biggest stars are Gay and Trans. South east asia is HUGE

In New york City, the subways arn’t allowed to say “ladies and gents” anymore to please the trans crowd. Have you walked around 5th ave? it’s the most diverse crowd.

It’s fine.

Ignorance is not answering the question because you can’t.

Trans rights are human rights! More trans lgbqt and non binary needs to be added!