Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

I think the debate about whether someone is still a trans-man after death only matters if you think a trans-man isn’t a man. Or if you think a trans-woman isn’t a woman. Or the worst case scenario of nothing thinking a trans-person is a person.

Pelagos’ life and after-life are the model of a trans-man’s passage from not having a body matching their psyche to having a body matching their psyche. Intentional or not, this sounds like a fundamentally “trans” experience.

They seem to have the right to be everyone’s favourite debate point

Necro a thread from 2 months ago and y’all just fall over each other to feed trolls. Big oof .

Personally I miss the days when character backstory in virtual world RPG’s was more about creative fantasy and less an amalgamation of real world political references and whatever happens to be trending on Twitter at any given moment.

People complain in trade chat all the time about playing games to ESCAPE real world politics, and yet we have companies bending over backwards to make these sorts of statements which no one really asked for, because they think it is going to win them PR points. This feels like an ambulance chase to me, and frankly just a little insulting to my intelligence.

Maybe instead of trying to cheese demographic numbers with ego validation Scooby snacks we can get back to being actual leaders who make a great product that stands on its own merits, and let people of ALL types and political or sexual persuasions come for THAT reason.

This constant appeasement of every little faction of society in the world of FANTASY only helps further divide people by focusing on what makes us different instead of how we are alike, and it takes away from the depth or creative scope of the original aspects of the story.

Are we really that burnt out of ideas that we need to resort to such tacky pandering strategies instead of just WRITING A GREAT STORY everyone can enjoy?


A person who is not against trans people.

He didn’t say that though…

If anything blizzard said ," we’re putting this in here so y’all can promote us, but we did it to snag your cash so you got peace of mind"

nothing more nothing less, blizzard said BLM, yet i can still get called the N word. If they wanted to really step up they would have filtered the word out completely, you can block “gg ez” on OW, but you can’t block racial slurs? You getting used fam, like every brand hops on the FOTM movement.

So you do care then?

I don’t think trans status would even be a thing on Azeroth, because it’s so easily dealt with. It’s like how we don’t make much of a fuss about dyeing your hair or wearing contacts. They have magics that change your sex like it’s no big deal. I mean, even if only recently as cheap and readily available as a barber shop feature, potions and other options were around.

You might be playing a character who changed their physical sex along with their hair color and no one even batted an eye at it. Azeroth is actually very accepting, and probably wouldn’t even register this as a problem, since it’s something so easily adjust with magic.

I suppose since Shadowlands caters to all worlds, Pelagos probably came from one with less options.

I think recognizing all walks of life is very important.

I also think it’s important to understand the entire spectrum and its population and recognize real life numbers and try and keep things distributed accordingly until demand says otherwise.

Do you? Or did my post not make it clear enough.

Crystal clear, believe me.

Is Pelagos really trans?

I thought gender and race didn’t matter before becoming a Kyrian. That’s why they all look like blue humans with wings and all look alike. Kyrians purposefully forget their past identity.

Your soul doesn’t really have a gender does it?

Simply gross…


more people should be celebrating this and one is not enough. hopefully more to come in the near future…as well as trans, gay, genderqueer and non-binary relationships…folx are finally being recognized.

It’s politics. You may agree with those politics, OP, but the subject is political nonetheless.

Why should anyone celebrate overt pandering?

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10 characters

hell ya we win. way to stick it to the straights!

jk these threads are always just to lowkey troll anyways

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Thank God blizzard is stepping up to the front line to deal with cultures that have nothing to do with either of us.

Lmao, what discrimination are black people facing?

Promoted in all media, affirmative action in work place, “praised” by every major Corp in America.



That’s a delightfully mature way of looking at it. I don’t know for sure that Azeroth Barber shops canonically do everything they do…

But I would like to think if Khadgar was approached by a young Kirin Tor member who was in pain from feeling wrong he would help them.

Also it would be really cool if Khadgar said “Well, I know you might be skeptical But our Barbershops can actually change your body to a different gender. If you want I will go with you. I can do the head in the Crystal Ball
That makes everyone smile!”