Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

It’s funny when you turn it around on these people. They usually don’t know what to do.

I’m convinced anyone who takes WoW General Forums seriously isn’t a real person - they’re just a spambot on Twitter that either branched out or malfunctioned. :smiley:

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you cannot push someone into transitioning. It’s a subconscious process.

Perhaps you just don’t notice gay men and women because they essentially look identical to straight men and women. Some gay men might be more effeminate than others, but there are also hyper-masculine gay men (ex, “bears.”).

I mean maybe but I’ve joined a lot of discords and other media for games and 10 years ago there were a lot of gay guys and like no trans people now its like all trans and no gay in my own anecdotal experience . What i mean when i say that is more referring to one incident where someone on discord was trying to explain to this gay guy why he might really be trans and to me it came across as someone selling something and i didn’t like it. Just seems like to me the T in LGTBQ guys pressuring gays and the rest of the letters to join them.

Do you really not know that most of the world is the complete opposite of where you live? You should probably get out more.


Yes, anecdotal, and circumstantial at best. The numbers don’t lie; there’s overwhelming statistics that show gay is much more common than trans.

But, if you want to go by anecdotal, I am a gay man. I can guarantee that I have more LGBT friends and acquaintances than you (assuming you are straight). I also happen to be a psychologist, so not only I’m familiar with these stats, I also see LGBT patients. Yet, I have never been pressured to transition. I don’t know a single gay man that has been pressured to transition.

I know some trans men and women how have struggled with family acceptance of their transition, though.

There is, however, a modern push to separate the T from the LGB+ movement, as trans people have a unique set of issues that are not often related to the issues faced by the LGB+ community. These pushes are often rejected, as it is best to present a unified front against all types of homophobia, and it’s easier to get human rights when everyone is working together.

That makes sense. I think if I woke up one day with a V instead of a P, I wouldn’t just put on women’s clothes and say, “oh well, I guess this is who I am now.” No, I would do everything I could to continue being a man. I wouldn’t consider myself as a woman, or LGBT, I would consider myself as a man with something that needs to be fixed.

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Hope you’re prepared for the onslaught of ignorant, angry dumb people yelling at you for not hating an entire group of people for no reason like they do. Ignore them!!

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a good, healthy, respectful discussion… nice

I like this as its exactly what i feel in this life, i hope if there is another life i get to be male and feel better next time.

Honestly, all I see anymore that are ignorant, angry dumb people yelling are people like you. You’re a blatant hypocrite.

Inb4 I’m called an ist-a-phobe for calling you out.

You are so correct its how i have felt all my existence. Kudos to you. Not easy to fix though.

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Name one human right that “trans” people don’t have.

exactly. Some people simply don’t understand.

I might be gay, but I very much like having muscles, a beard, I like wearing suits, I like my deep voice (and I find other deep voices attractive), I like my P and I would never want it gone, etc. I know there are many more like me.

Being gay is completely independent on being trans.

I’m ok with people being ignorant. They can’t help not knowing if no one explains stuff to them; so I just try my best to help them. I only get annoyed by people who are WILLFULLY ignorant. Those people don’t want help, they want to be as*holes.

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What about I start naming all the countries they get killed as soon as they are found out?


It’s not about simple human rights anymore. I would like to think we are past that as a society. Just because someone has human rights does not mean that they are accepted in our society. Black people have the same human rights as white people, it doesn’t mean they don’t still face discrimination.


doesn’t matter straight, trans, gay, w.e. if their backstory and what not sucks doesn’t do any justice for them in general.

it was much needed in the sense to support those peoples beliefs though imo. i see a lot of hate towards that community and for no good reason either.

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I’d rather not see Blizzard catering to crying SJWs that will cry no matter what, and ruin the game in the process cuz feelings.

These threads are pretty cringe tbh.

Pelagos is pretty cringe and was one of the worst characters next to Baine