Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

But he chose a male form.

It even says in life he was a woman but never felt comfortable in that body. So he got to choose a form that reflected his soul.

That’s not exactly reincarnation.

no that would be awful…

I dont know about the rest but I definitely am not interested to show my gender or know anyone else’s in the game.

This isn’t tinder.

I read the thread didn’t see a single homophobia.

Also I’m not really interested in learning about trans stuff, just like im not interested to learn about the bible.

However, I’m here to learn about world of warcraft :slight_smile:

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I take the Barrage talent because I self-identify as an attack chopper.


My pronouns are Raw/Power.

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couldnt care less what pixelated character have between their legs or who they fancy :slight_smile:

if it makes anyone happy , more power to you!

If you don’t care, why did you post? People who legitimately don’t care about something, simply ignore it.

It’s not if the reincarnation is based on sex and gender preference, not randomization.

That’s cool, glad it isn’t really story relevant. Not really a fan when these sort of things are shoved in your face and more so just nice tidbits about characters. I feel the same way about most relationships that happen in stories since usually the relationship, gay or straight, has no actual benefits to the story.

Not to break anybody’s immersion but my question is “why not” if this is a world of magic where it’s very easy to turn people into something as complex as an entirely new species, like a sheep. Surely gender transformations would be easy.

You know it’s a bigot talking because they know exactly one joke, lol.

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Is there a point to this topic?

Legit question did a bunch of the gay guys from my generation just decide to be trans now it seems way more common is it just the more hip way of doing things now? Also what’s with the people who transition to “be gay” but are straight. Like guys who identify as girls but have sex with real girls. I feel like the internet changed people so much form my time they all speak in memes and are weird about sex stuff.

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I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and answer your questions:

  • No, gay men didn’t suddenly decide to be trans. Gay and trans are not the same thing. Gay men like being men, they also just happen to like other men. Trans women do not want to be men, they are women; whether they like men or women is independent of that. A trans person might be gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, etc.; it’s an EXTRA identifier. Just like a cisgender person (like you, aka, their gender matches their sex at birth) can also independently be straight, gay, bi, pan, ace, etc…

  • Yes, the internet did change stuff. The internet has allowed people to connect and realize they are not unique. When one isolated person suddenly becomes a group, things are harder to ignore. Moreover, kids that maybe would have ignored their true feelings a few generations ago, now feel validated and come out much earlier in life. The internet has had a major influence in the normalization of LGBT, and the improvement of human rights in general.

Benefit of the doubt lol cant even ask questions without people getting huffy. I have anecdotally noticed lots more trans and a lot less gay dudes I cant help think they are the same people living in different times I just cant understand it and it seems like its just the new popular thing.

I also just don’t get why everyone has to be so extra now a days like so many based on equipment straight couples wanting to be called “gay couples”. As a fairly skeptical person i tend to think its because it provides them some benefit socially or something. Either way I feel like the trans community pushes gay men to transition to being trans at least in my experience.

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If trans/gay people want to be treated like everyone else, why should we care when they make a big deal about being trans/gay? Isn’t it inclusive to say I don’t give AF, since we don’t make a big deal about being straight? Isn’t the not caring, and treating them like everyone else the correct thing to do?

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They want it both ways. Its all about power if you didnt notice it already. No one cares if you really use the F word or make an off color joke using the G word, its just a for show temper tantrum and make believe your some evil person when reality is this is all about power and control.


Yea but its a politicized issue so no ones giving you a charitable read they all assume your some demon after reading t0o many virtue signaling social media posts.

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Did you really need to necro this thread and start another flame war?


Of course someone had to bump this thread up.

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No your a raciasexistaphobe!