Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

What if they care about not caring?

I doubt anyone’s going to care. Most people barely even read the quests, they just want to get loot and speed through. I think a lot may miss this part of the character. I know I did.

You are spreading bigotry under a veneer of discarded and outdated science.

Are you gonna start in on eugenics next? Phrenology?

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We rarely ever see trans men in media, so it feels really cool to see someone like me in a game I’ve adored since I was little.

Well he is quite hot though compared to all the other soul binds, I’m not into relationships but I’ll make an exception for an angel anytime, definitely swiping right.

Hey Ralph, that’s cool.

More stupid crap that has absolutely no place in video games. Way to go blizzard. Pander more plz


I agree, there is zero point to have trans-gender idiocy in a fantasy game.

All it is is pandering to the alphabet soup community and honestly if this game gets anymore political left-wing liberal, I think I may consider taking my money elsewhere because I don’t need real life crap being shoved in my face in a game!


Blizz put a transgender in the game before fixing the lack of flight in the Bloodelf and Draenei starting zones. Personally, I think there are more pressing issues, but that’s just my opinion.

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As a student of reincarnation I don’t even see this as a trans character. They were the other gender *in another life * and it’s not an uncommon belief concerning reincarnation that that can happen.

More power to trans people if this character makes them feel included but at the same time one could not read trans as we know it irl into the character at all. If they so choose, so nothing is forced.

Disgusting commend, reported

How is he not banned yet?

Jeez, that one’s exceptionally bad. I’ve had many of my comments get deleted within hours. :woman_shrugging:

lol triggered

this is an awesome first step, now if they would enable optional pronouns to be displayed in game that would be super fantastic!

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I fall under the B in LGBT and I still find you insufferable and easy to hate. Wanna get respect and understanding from others? Stop dragging your hang ups around with you and have some decent conversations with them. Quit using social issues as a means to try and shame others. Geez what a tard…


from the dialogue, definitely sounds trans wanna be.

Isn’t trans the word for someone who’s gone through surgery?

Hence the word Trans from Transition?

But why does this matter again?

No. You don’t need to have undergone surgery to be considered trans.

This matters because representation helps normalize behavior. This kind of stuff is a small step to decrease widespread homophobia.

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normalize what behavior?

What widespread homophobia?

Where I live there’s tons of gays and not a single person cares, and they function like everyone else in society.


good for you. That’s not the case for everyone. Or, the majority of the world for that matter.

In fact, this whole thread is a testament to the prevalent homophobia.

PS: I’t also good for educational purposes. Like, you didn’t know you don’t need to have had top/bottom surgery to be considered trans. Now you know.