Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

It’s a forum. Open discussion. Not an echo chamber.

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I was making a general statement about the situation, I didn’t think I had to run thru the list to make a point but I guess some of you are a little slower than others.

Seriously, you do understand that using “christ” doesn’t imply that I have any religious belief right? Honest, NEVER reply to me again because are not worth the time I have already wasted on you.

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Cool buzzword. I didn’t say people weren’t allowed to say anything, I was just questioning the motive behind it.

“I don’t care, here’s all the reasons I don’t care, and here’s some hyperbole about why I assume people will call me a bigot over it.”

Seems like they do care quite a bit, and have already drawn the logical conclusion to why they feel that way.

Not a buzzword. It’s what it is. And if you are questioning the motive behind it then I guess you don’t understand that it’s a forum to begin with.

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I was just leaning into the ridiculousness of the fact that you got so upset you started invoking christ.

Why are you being rude?

So, people are allowed to say how much they don’t care about gay people, but no one is allowed to question it? Seems the only people looking for an echo chamber are you and the ones screaming at the top of their lungs how much they don’t care.

You are not questioning or trying to discuss. You are the one pushing this notion that if someone doesn’t care, why are they commenting. So it’s neither you nor me that are looking for an echo chamber but it’s the mere fact of me explaining that 'Hey. It’s a forum… we are here to see both sides, if you care or not… ’ rather than being surprised at the fact.

And what realm are you living on. How, in what I wrote, am I screaming at the top of my lungs.


Judging by this little tidbit, I don’t need to respond to you any further. You don’t have a basic level of reading comprehension.

I don’t have time to explain how “and” works. Mostly because you’ll just have some weird argument about how it doesn’t apply or something.

That’s fine. Thanks for ignoring 90% of what I wrote and deflecting it. Have a nice day and hope you don’t bother me with your idiocy next time.


I don’t know how else to explain to you that people are allowed to question when someone vehemently screeches about how they “don’t care” about something. Clearly if they didn’t care they wouldn’t bother.

It’s a forum. Not hard to understand. Thing is. When you go and question someone about their motives etc to strike up a discussion then something is there. Otherwise your statement is just … irrelevant. Since this buzzword ‘‘forums’’ is why people who care or don’t care post on topics to voice why they care or don’t care.

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I have to say, I partly agree with others in here that this character isn’t exactly a transgender. Being reincarnated as the gender you feel you are. Literally makes you that gender. There is no transformation, there is no need for it. You are not trapped in a body that you do not feel is your own. Although I think this type of reincarnation will appeal to the transgender community, but I cannot speak for them as I’m not transgender myself.

No, most of us already accept this as a norm in society. It’s not a big deal.

Maybe I care a little, and it’s ok they did something like this, but my feedback here (which is why I had posted) was that I don’t care, because this kind of stuff is already normal in our society so it’s not anything that needed to be announced. They didn’t have to.

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I wish I could just play a fantasy game without real life social justice being the most imperative things.

I’m sure this classifies me as an evil extremist in some way.


That too… I question whether this char is even transgender or just reincarnated as a different character?

Just because it happened, doesn’t mean it’s the “most imperative thing” to anyone.

Something like this existing isn’t taking away from other things.

Everyone starts out female in the womb. Needless to say, nature isn’t perfect and things don’t always turn out as intended.

Why is it always FOX with you loons?

I don’t even watch nor listen to them!

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Why did they SCREAM “black lives matter” at the end of their stream but not even mention Reckful’s death?


If this wasnt being viewed as a win for progressiveness then id prob agree with you.

…but here we are.

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