Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

I know this clown has me blocked, but I wish Ralph would get through their head that this just doesn’t work. Whatever they’re trying to do.

There is a trans person on this forum I’ve had interactions with and they’ve all been cordial and respectful, and this exposure and polite interaction has me reconsidering the way I think towards it all. Then Ralph posts and then it puts a dent in all of that.

Usually with the aggressive tact, there’s an element of intimidation to go along with it. Unfortunately with the internet that’s lacking. No one’s intimidated, just annoyed.

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Democrafts will do anything to stay in or gain power. down the road were going people who claim to be some kind of a animal they do some surgery to look like a creature of their choice.


It’s a mental illness bud.


The existence of trans people and demand that they arent discriminated against aka for basic human rights is a “personal political movement”.

Sounds like any decent person would be in support of such.

What about that orc in caverns of time, you know the male orc with a female voice?

I find it kinda funny that the first “Trans” character is already dead. Did Blizzard plan this as a joke? because oof

I’m quite curious, but what basic human right do Trans people not have?

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The person is the same, the body has changed to meet the person’s needs so they would no longer be transgender.

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I don’t think you can speak on behalf of anyone, especially decent people.


I am going to guess that step in logical thinking will be beyond them.

I’ve recently read what Pelagos had to say, about his past life, politics aside, it was surprisingly clever to have a concept of a soul’s gender is the one it subconsciously expresses.

Imagine being this uneducated and ignorant then broadcasting it for everyone to see.

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Unfortunately Blizzard would censor my honest opinion about this. So could someone just call me a hateful bigot and we will leave it at that.


no one cares tbh

people are obsessed with their victim complex identity


Trans doesn’t mean gay.


Christ, did I say it did or did I say I didn’t give a crap what their sexual identity was? Seriously, I wish people would stop reading into thing what they think was said and instead take damn second to read what was actually said…


Agree… I couldn’t care less about trans or gay chars. Most people like you and I don’t even look at people differently if gay or transgender or any color. They are all the same in our eyes, and get the same attention and respect as any other person. Bravo that they did this, but who cares that they did unless they were looking for brownie points? It’s here and it’s part of our society so this isn’t anything new in most of our eyes. Now if you did this in 2004 it might have had a different reaction, but in today’s world it’s nothing big.


I did. You posted about how much you don’t care about people being straight or gay, in a thread about trans people.

To get so upset because someone says, “Trans doesn’t mean gay” and invoking your lord and savior the christ seems like you care just a wee bit.

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I guess I just stopped caring about anything but gameplay, let a lone ‘representation’ in a fantasy game.

But Ralph thread is a ralph thread so there is that.

Honestly in a game called ‘Warcraft’. Where cows talk, and dragons exist… I just want proper game play… ‘representation’ or a good ‘love story’ I can get elsewhere. I play WoW for an escape, not to remind myself that it’s become RL 2.0.

I’ve always just played games for 20+ yrs to escape and enjoy myself.


So many people really need to post about how much they don’t care.

If you don’t care, why do you need to share your opinion?

hint It’s because you actually do care.