Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

It’s being heavily implied. But what do I know?

The whole me to movement started it. Sadly every fake allegation causes more people to not care should there be a true allegation.

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Which is why I support the removal of specific monuments, but not all of them, and strongly oppose the vigilante destruction of public property.

I’m fairly sure there are cities that have voluntarily taken monuments down. I just don’t know if they did it to protect them or not.

In what way is this about the, “leftists opposition to the us constitution and people understanding us history”? Are you right leaning? Would you enjoy being compared with the 1% who are more than happy to have you die for profit?

I see a lot more violations of the constitution from the right. You do know that protesting is… free speech?

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Free speech doesn’t exempt you from consequences if you are doing something illegal anyway.

About this specific issue? Yeah, it’s about white men who enslaved other races. But that’s not the entirety of the slave trade and it’s not like white men were the only ones who took slaves, nor is it true that white men were never slaves. But that’s not relevant to the subject of the Confederate statues because they are monuments to immoral people who did cruel and horrible things.

I think you’re taking this as a personal attack because you want to get offended. How very… “leftist” of you.

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Like vandalism? Yeah, correct.

Like protesting? Again - that’s a constitutional right.

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It’s not the why, it’s the how and where you’re protesting that’s getting the fools arrested

Yeah, like peaceful protesting in front of the White House.

For a photo op.

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because tons of leftists and blm have demanded destruction of a whole wide variety of monuments, whether related to the civil war or not and including stuff like mount rushmore etc.

secondly, i don’t agree that civil war statues should be taken down. they should perhaps have plaques taken to educate people etc…but i mean those figures were historically relevant so…

tons of historical figures have done evil things all over the world by that standard.

the fact you focus on one specific group from one time period shows your bias and the fact you have a clear political agenda.

also in terms of peaceful protesting give me a break.

sure you have the right to protest but that doesn’t mean you have the right to block traffic indefinitely for weeks or months on the interstate or just shut entire cities down.

the executive branch has the right to deal with what amounts to domestic insurrection in many instances as i have described…so…

also you keep using the example of saddam hussein i mean…give me a break. it really shows the hubris of our ruling class that they depict him as an absolute villain and human rights abuser and then go genocide millions in the region…based on faulty, flawed evidence (he didn’t have nuclear weapons).

Tell that to those trying to get to work only to have their lives threatened by those who shouldn’t be on highways.

Thankfully though, in North Carolina, anything in the highway is an obstacle if it’s moveable.

Why is some dead video game character being trans so important?

I’ve never seen the movie, what’s the issue here exactly?

And tons of right-wing individuals and groups have demanded that women have their bodily autonomy removed, that anyone not heterosexual should not have human rights. Do you think that all right-wing individuals think that? Do you think that a movement that is not unified might have good and bad individuals among them?

Terry Crews is facing backlash because he’s supporting it, but is warning people not to go too far with, “black supremacy” and other racist and bigoted things we’ve seen from the movement.

America seems to be one of the few places that idolizes their historical enemies and traitors. I don’t understand it.

Yeah, and not many have statues of them in the countries they did horrible things. And if they do, obviously that should change.

Okay. Except America is supposed to be a first world country, and like other issues - health care, education, the classist system - they need to work on that.

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People blocking highways are breaking the law. Again, I have no idea what this has to do with the peaceful protests in front of the White House, in a place well known for peaceful protests in the past - and them being violently dispersed, the government lying about its use of tear gas and violent tactics, and all this for a photo op.

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Sounds like something that the left love accusing the right of.

Something about a conductive metal.

This is entirely irrelevant from my bringing up peaceful protests. Blocking traffic is not peaceful.

I mention him once… and it’s not just the, “ruling class” that list him as a tyrant and human rights abuser… when his own people did.

the point is you are saying leftists aren’t doing that stuff but they are. that’s clearly the case.

secondly, they are illegally destroying and removing historical objects and also illegally rioting and looting left and right…that is the norm of what is going on.

also protesting by illegally shutting down entire cities and blocking highways…again illegal.

you’re not demanding that all statues of anyone who has ever done anything evil be removed. just a subsect of specific people you don’t like which shows the hypocrisy.

secondly, like i said. they are relevant to the cities and support the preservation of the historical record.

What is the left accusing the right of? The suppression of free speech? The failure to weather the storm of a pandemic? Protecting a leader who breaks the law, commits treason, and embarrasses the entire country? Further exploitation of the poor to line the pockets of the rich?

Because that’s all well documented.


yeah you’re right. since some people said he was evil…lol.

you realize our ruling class lied about him having nuclear weapons, killed millions of people removing him, and also beforehand imposed sanctions that resulted in hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths?

but clearly he was at fault and deserved to have his statue removed etc…

really shows how biased and one sided your view of history is and why people who want to erase history shouldn’t be placed in charge of anything.

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Heh, whatever you believe. The writing on the wall says something completely different.

Facebook and the trash filled sewage known as Twitter have no idea how inferior they are to the real world.

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