I strongly disagree - and again, removing statues to either be dismantled or put in museums is not erasing history. Leaving monuments and statues to the evils of history is not the way to show that it was a bad thing. It is idolizing them, and reminding the people affected by it about it - as has been repeatedly said by people who lived through the Civil Rights movement.
The, “we shouldn’t erase history” people are virtually the same as those who said, “this is my heritage”. It’s not something you should be proud of, nor should you want to advertise.
except like i said, if you erase physical representations of history you come closer to erasing history itself.
our knowledge of history after all is not just based on textual representations of history but also material evidence etc.
also considering the attitude of the contemporary, postmodernist left towards history in general…i would say they arguably want to simply erase it entirely.
since history is deemed to be a social construct of western civilization, the patriarchy etc…
and erasing physical representations of history serves that goal absolutely
Are you not? It’s a pretty well known term. Whitewashing in Hollywood is a problem where ethnic people are played by white actors, but it’s pretty dumb overall in that regard. What it actually means is very different.
Would you have preferred I said polished? Sandblasted? Pulled the wool over their eyes?
Exactly, but how do you say that since Blizzcon 2018 how do you explain that it was already with a kind of Blizzard political agenda starting with human customization in a world that is not only human?
I don’t know, but hopefully the gameplay and the lore is not another Blizzard disappointment, it’s still not starting and we have this.
Many stories about WWII and slavery is wanting to cover it up as if it were to cover the sun with a finger. The MCU changing Magneto’s origins, and LGBT intolerance in the previous century is wanting to be forgotten.
Don’t you think how they act intolerantly with censorship and banned? don’t you think that now you discriminate against people that you think differently or force to want to be through children, don’t you think that being now heterosexual is a sin for them?
So you can see that everything remains the same as yesterday.
wouldn’t whitewashing actually involve what you are doing, which is essentially glorified historical censorship?
you are literally removing historical representation from the public mind and hiding it, whether it is good or bad.
if someone said all historical evidence related to hitler’s germany should be destroyed. or any historical evidence related to anyone who was deemed “evil” by contemporary society should be destroyed.
that would be equally stupid.
it’s literally destroying the historical record, which is what the modern left wants.
it’s part of postmodernist ideology etc…it’s a not a bogeyman, it’s objectively what postmodernists leftist academics say everyday
What do you mean? Guilty of whitewashing in Hollywood? Because those are the ones that are easiest to get budgets for and to sell movies. It’s all about money for them.
Whitewashing history? Every race is guilty of that. Or do you not remember Tiananmen Square?
They were torn down and torn apart. Putting them in a museum and explaining how they represented bad people, would be a good thing in my opinion. That’s not what’s happening.
Besides, they’re tearing down certain statues. A statue of Marx wouldn’t be touched, even though he lied, stole, beat his wife and child. It’s not about civil rights, or equality, it’s about an ideology, which taints the entire movement.
No, they aren’t virtually the same. They’re talking about two completely different things here. What I’m saying is that people need to be constantly reminded of how ignorant and stupid they can be, and statues do just that. I don’t believe they should be front and center, a showcase for the world to see. No, they should be put away, and shown to children, made into a horror story lest they be so ignorant.
Taking down a statue is a feel-good thing in the moment, and serves no practical purpose in the long run. White-washing negative events just means we don’t have their terrible example to help us avoid such mistakes.
No? No one is suggesting never teaching about them. They’re suggesting not whitewashing the history books to make America seem better, to make the Confederates less traitorous and immoral, or to suggest that the Confederacy wasn’t born out of the slave issue.
Removing idolization and glorification is absolutely a good thing. I would imagine the average American doesn’t know that some of the, “heroes” of the Confederacy were very evil men.
Again… how do you know who Hitler is if there are no statues of him in Germany?
remember during the maoist cultural revolution or soviet revolution where they destroyed all historical relics to remove the populaces’ memory of the past?
yep totally not a thing the left would do.
especially not with postmodernist leftist professors calling history a “white male, western-centric, patriarchal construct” everyday. nope.
destroying all historical representation is literally communism 101.
like i said, if someone wanted to destroy all historical artifacts related to the civil war or the holocaust i would obviously be opposed.
because they possess historical value. history doesn’t solely exist in texts. but in historically relevant physical or material evidence etc.
it’s like saying we should destroy all ancient roman or egyptian artifacts on the basis that “some of them were bad people by our standards.”
it’s absurd and involves absolutely erasing the past
I don’t defend the illegal actions of those defacing public property, I’m saying I understand why they’re doing it and I would prefer the cities themselves take them down.
Are there statues of Marx in the US?
No they don’t, and no they don’t. People don’t need to be constantly beaten down for the actions of people who they never met. And statues don’t remind these people of them - but they certainly remind the people whose ancestors did suffer at their hands about it.
White guilt is just as dumb as idolizing the Confederacy. And that’s what statues are.
So you think the statues of Sadam Hussein should have been left up? What about the statues of Hitler?
Because we learn about him in schools. But, do we learn very much about Stalin? A man that was magnitudes worse than Hitler? No, and the lessons we learned from that era are also fading. A statue is just a stand-in for any historical representation, it could be a statue or a book for all it matters. Destroying either is just as detrimental.