Why aren’t you banned yet? Almost everything you make is bait that gets flagged to oblivion.
This is generally done to insinuate that the person making a hypothetical argument is actually very stupid.
As someone that’s apart of the LGBT+ community, I honestly don’t give these people that hate a second thought, and I’m not going around searching for them either.
They mean nothing to me. I’m not sure how you’re wanting me to answer your question.
If you give them attention you make them stronger and more powerful.
Ignorance is the mightiest weapon against opinions.
Male British voice Siri, define me the term privileged.
If merely ignoring the existence of problems fixes problems, good luck with that.
The sheer amount of people in this topic proved that statement wrong before you even posted it.
You see the problem with this post is that I cannot be sure if it is ironic or not xD
Cuz I know there are people who are gonna go “I dont care about that stuff but I do care so please dont add them because I totes dont care but I do care if they are added so they should not be added” xD
Seriously? That’s all you got? This will be easy.
The argument that “I dont want politics in my World of Warcraft” is an uncommon argument about WoW news involving anything BLM, Trans people, whatever.
Yes, most of the time, people who DO make that argument are making stupid arguments, you can’t escape the real world indefinitely, even in a game. Look what the benefits of those bring: Representation, dark skin colors for races previously not having that option AKA more customization, the list goes on.
I never said that ignoring problems solves problems.
I said going out of your way to find people that dislike you or your views is just a way to cause problems for yourself, you’re literally going out of your way to try to be a victim so you can find people to ignore and demand others to ignore.
and another television thread agenda to mute.
Well, you have drawn their attention because the privledged ones will be coming after you for saying that sacrilege.
To ostracize someone is to exclude them from your life, immediate vicinity, etc, for any reason.
Are you for ostracizing people who have inherently bigoted viewpoints that is damaging to society, because you’re always going to run into those people no matter what you do.
So what do you suggest? Cancelling them only makes it worse.
You quite literally said ,well not literally literally said that you acknowledge the existence of hate but you are too high in your ivory tower to give them attention or “value” therefore you ignore them.
By allowing such people to roam free by ignoring them because you are safe and superior in your tower, you are making their existence easier and therefore more likely to negatively affect someone of the LGBT community.
Their mere existence is the problem.
I said it before, and I told him once:
And Another stupid lgbt thread.
Before they chase me in an angry mob, it is worth mentioning that in death, no matter your religion, gender, age, nation or ethnicity, you are dead and you are dead if do you mean a Shadowland character.
The dead souls characters in this new zone can have acquired in any form, but in life if she was a woman with regard to what in death does not matter who serves, in life, which would be a reason to ruin her moment of pride.
As well as if diversity is spoken of it is not in a world whose humanity declares war on several races of Azeroth and which means that there is no equity in this game.
… Wait, how?
No I am not.
I am for educating people that want to learn, and as a single person, I do not get to decide who is allowed to be apart of society or not, but I’d imagine you’re against it too, since you were going on about free speech and all that nonsense.
are you not doing the same by /ignoring them?
I always appreciate the honesty of your posts.
You’re missing the point, excluding someone from an entire society is called exile, it’s a punishment for the worst of the worst.
You can teach an old dog new tricks, but then what if they don’t learn? And what about the people who want to keep the peace and maintain a positive environment? Those people would tell that bigot to gtfo, or put them on ignore if it’s on the internet.
Yes, the ignore feature is a form of ostracizing someone.