And as an LGBT+ person with basic knowledge of history and sociology I can tell you representation is a must for progress
Just like taliesin says what he is doing is the bare minimum and shouldnt even be applauded for doing that, so do I believe what I am doing is the MINIMUM as it takes no effort or energy to call out a bigot or talk about a problem in an online forum from the comfort of my ipad.
If there’s a problem, if there’s issues, I ll talk about them no matter how much it upsets the negative peace of some privileged babies.
its 5m here in Melbourne
You clearly havent seen many of my other threads then, just check my activity, the last thread about lgbt was the Mathias/Flynn romance confirmation, before that I dont even remember.
I usually focus on more gameplay related topics.
No my attitude is specifically working very well to see who deserves my time or not, if someone gets offended or defensive by what I say and get upset then they are gonna post in a similar manner therefore not worth my time, if someone understands my point and talks calmly I will respond in the same fashion.
Also pretty sure this is the 2nd thread about pelagos unless memory serves wrong
This in an invalid argument to make, free speech can’t be “abused,” only practiced. Inciting arguments is always going to be the result of a contentious issue, there is no perfect world where you can escape from that. A difficult issue is always going to offend or get people to talk in one way or another. This is not a reason to limit the topics people talk about.
We just established that we don’t know someone’s true motives, you don’t know, nobody knows. Stop assuming.
Taliesin is the last person I would ever wish to be like considering his behavior on his streams. I would say you should look for a better role model. He ain’t it either.
I still don’t care. People do people. Who someone is interested in, or who they wish to be is inconsequential to me. I’m a straight white guy. As long as someone’s happy, that’s all that matters.
Why does any of this matter? You don’t need to cast a fishing net on the forums to see who might respond negatively to you when you could just interact with them like a normal person and make an educated decision based off that interaction. The fact you’re going through so many hoops and being silly about a topic just over complicates matters.
If I interact with someone and they’re a schmuck, I stop interacting with them. Very simple.
It can’t be abused? You can’t shout fire in a crowded movie theater (when they still existed)? You can’t use your freedom of speech to indoctrinate people into a cult? Speech is the fundamental way we communicate and manipulate each other, of course it can be abused.
Actually, you made a statement about not knowing his motives. That is very different. If we look at Ralph’s history we see a pattern, and this does show a motive. This is a viable strategy in law, and it’s viable here. A pattern of behavior is indicative of a mindset.
This part right here is what I’m talking about Ralph, there was no giant thread saying that they were upset about Pelagos being trans. You could have left that portion out and just celebrated the victory of representation, and then if someone said something dumb then respond with that.
and I think 2 is right for Pelagos, but you’d made several (gay night warriors and more) aggressive LGBT+ threads just cause.
Oh, god it’s been so long. I will have to look it up.
I’m going to get this wrong, but I think it was either political, or it might have been fans who were critical of the game and he was defending Blizzard while attacking the fans who were making those points.
Yeah, I can’t remember what it was about exactly, so my bad there. I remember it happening though, if that’s worth anything.
A crowded movie theather, or any commercial property is private property. Private companies can dictate what goes on their area, since they pay for it. To a lesser extent, places on the internet have a code of conduct. People can still say what they want, but they’re not able to have serious repercussions for saying things. They’ll just be kicked out.
On the topic of Ralph, there are people that support and hate him. But ultimately, he’s still here, so he’s not breaking any code of conduct.
But can you differentiate whether it’s intentionally inciteful conduct, or is it talking about hot button issues because of interest in what people think about it. By that logic, we should ban all politics, ban all religious, ban all forms of speech that have to talk about difficult issues that don’t belong in their respective spaces. That’s not in a world you want to live in, trust me.
I don’t personally hate him, but I think he’s a troll. Also, I have no doubt he’s gotten forum vacations for the things he’s done. Though, he’s careful in not using certain language that’d see him banned from the forums.
I dont need a role model, I just gave an example of a decent person who does what is right even if it annoys people.
I simply happen to be doing the same with a far more direct attitude.
If these threads didnt receive a reply or were mostly a few people discussin the topic and having positive comments I would agree, but reality says otherwise.
And that fact that it causes so much fuss is also proff that there’s still a lot of progress to be made and because many people are silent in public, that doesnt mean they dont have the power to screw over someone LGBT+ when they have the chance.
I would want to know my doctor is LGBT+ pro else I wouldnt trust them and wouldnt bother even asking for their advice.
So unless these people are fixed and discrimination no longer exists, nothing will change, and any LGBT thread attracting that kind of person only proves my point.
You can just ignore anything LGBT+ related and live on your privileged life thinking life is great, but it isnt for some people who arent like you.
Yet there were transphobes hiding in plain sight, being friendly and talking in other topics without you knowing they held such horrible beliefs simply because people dont talk about it unless directly challenged.
Now at least some of them have been revealed and can be put in ignore, if I manage to make an LGBT thread where all negative comments are ignored, that would be a success.
I mean let’s be honest, even if I did that the end result would be the same just like any thread that starts with LGBT+ related topic
The short version was Taliesen went on this huge rant about how Asmongold is a terrible person for not properly “influencing” his chat, and claimed he had more power than anyone at Blizzard. That he “punches down” on people, and causes havoc for the developers. So on, so forth.
Then in that same moment, her went after his own chat when they called him out on it, and made some obscene comments not fit for these forums about what he would do to his own chat, and openly berated them for questioning him. Called them a bunch of names that I also cannot say on these forums.
And to top it off he then went after a former Blizzard developer on Twitter and publicly began insulting people. He went after Mark Kern specifically.
A couple of days later he apologized for his behavior, but it doesn’t change the fact that Youtube Taliesin and Twitch Taliesin are two very different people, and after that, I refused to support him for his behavior there.
This kind of comment is why people don’t take you seriously. All I’ve said in this thread is people should be happy, and who they’re interested in or anything of the sort is none of my business. I do not care.
Yeah, I noticed signs of that behavior, though I didn’t see anything quite that bad. I don’t personally watch him anymore, mostly because he’s incredibly biased towards Blizzard.
I love Blizzard, I love their games and I love the staff. But, mistakes in game need to be called out, that’s how they grow and that’s how they stay strong. Taliesin doesn’t do these things, which means that even at a base level his opinions and his interactions with Blizzard, aren’t healthy.
You brought up something totally irrelevant. The question I was asked was regarding what Taliesin did in a specific moment. I answered it. You came back with something that doesn’t pertain to that incident. It’s just something you threw out there because you like him as a content creator and wanted to toss out something positive.
You’re right. I do not care about irrelevant comments.
“well I care about causing problems and not supporting solutions” -Ralph
You create threads, cause hostility and choose to not try and keep something that’s pretty freaking awesome positive as long as you get to add some random Tom/Dick/Harry to your ignore(hit) list.