Pelagos. Is Transgender

Mmmm only transgendered sort of characters I can recall may be some of the dragons changing into their mortal looking forms like Chromie but I’m not entirely sure that counts.

Nada. Folks thought Chromie was because of her name but she corrects folks in Heroes of the Storm about it kinda as a joke.

I love when trans issues get brought up we’re either a very tiny population or an avengers level threat.

If we can put up with you. You can put up with us.


Don’t care. But I suppose Blizzard is feeding Slaanesh so that is good.


So then an NPC or two for them to identify with and receive some acknowledgement should suffice. Nothing drastic needed. I agree that devs should put this stuff in and then let us make it a big deal, instead of trying to highlight it as a big deal themselves. It is just too hard to do properly.

I thought chromie because he is a male dragon that turns into a female gnome lol

And again. If I had to put up with Cis people and media all my life. Ya’ll can deal with something different for two seconds.

Also a few lines of text isn’t “shoving it in your face”. Don’t be dramatic.


An NPC or two isn’t going to be sufficient.

Text that they don’t even have to read.

Chromie is a girl. She says “Ugh no my name is not a boys. You just don’t know the intricacies of the dragon culture” or something like that in Heroes of the Storm

Her dragon form is just a bronze adult dragon model and all dragons seem to have that beard thingie on their chin regardless of gender

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It’s called pandering. They are pandering and it’s gross.


And? They’ve pandered to cis people for how long now?

It’s still pandering even if it’s yall


Did you read the previous conversation? If a female player who talks in discord says that then we can confidently conclude that player is gay or at least bi, like it isnt hard to put two and two together.

It would be really hard to make a major trans character in a game like wow and actually focus on that because there is a lot of explanation needed. Gay and straight are easy, but trans is very difficult to do without making whatever story is being told about it.

Take Last of Us 2. A character is trans, but the player and protag find out in chunks, the character never comes out and says it right away, even though hints are being dropped. I figured it out fast, my fiance took about until the “duh” moment. It becomes the focal point of an entire chapter of the game.

Just because they are including people who you don’t approve of doesn’t make it pandering. They aren’t doing this to “win over the trans crowd” they are doing it because trans people DO play this game and they deserve to be acknowledged in at least some small way.

It is called equality, so sit down.


Force feeding people your beliefs and lifestyle through any platform that will listen, and then being all like “just accept it” is wrong no matter what group it’s coming from. How’s that for “dramatic”.


It is, but that’s just the ways of big corporations now.


Oh noooooo I’m saying trans rights are human rights. Watch out ya’ll I’m brainwashing all of you

You’re not born bulimic so that’s a very poor comparison. Most eating disorders are brought on by a sort of trauma.

Trans are just born.


I just suggest you accept it because in the long run it’ll save you from the stress it will cause someone with your beliefs.

How was it shoehorned? It’s mentioned in character dialog, and that is it. It has so little impact, the dude could not say it and it matters the same, but by saying it, the people that want representation can say he is there, and its done. It isn’t overt. Pelagos isn’t going into how he was a woman in life every 5 minutes, and isn’t flamboyant in his actions.


Ah so you are one of those hyperbolic “whatabouters.” Basically you have no logical arguments, you are just angry that people other than you are getting treatment.


I so wish people would leave this topic alone