Pelagos. Is Transgender

I really wouldn’t be surprised at this point.

Which is fine. I never said what they have done was bad. Again, you are just looking for a fight when there isn’t one to be had.

He’s a woman turning into a man upon death. That’s different than anything that exists in the real world, so it isn’t remotely newsworthy.

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Imagine sounding like a girl and joining the average raid guild and trying to explain that you’re a dude.

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Your words. Right here. That question implies there is no need for representation due to how small you feel that player base is. You then go into erraneously saying blizz shouldn’t have made a big deal about it, when blizz didn’t. Wowhead, MMOchamp, etc all did, and guess what, that is not blizz…that is the fans…so you should be saying for the fans to not get excited, which is also wrong

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Fair enough. For what it is worth, I hope you will eventually feel comfortable to talk about it with others. And I hope you won’t be made fun of for it either.


Too late…

Whoops. Wrong DH. They all look the same.

How is using your own words to point out you are doing the opposite of what you are saying you are doing trolling? You are trolling, by saying Blizzard as a company should not make a big deal out of it:

which blizz again DID. You first claim

which blizz DIDN’T as Pelagos only mentions it in dialog and that is the only place blizz mentioned it until asked in a dev interview, and has left it at there. Where have they not used subtlety? You still have not answered that question. You just claim pointing out you are wrong is somehow hostile and then start claiming people are trolling you for pointing out you are wrong.

Think we are wrong? all you have to do is point out where blizz is making Pelagos be a trans character a big deal like I said to instead of crying and claiming you are being trolled

I’m just going to put this out there at the risk of a forum ban. I don’t care that you’re LGBT. You shout it from the roof tops and rally for equality which is great :+1: don’t get me wrong. But you seem to also forget that in many states the LGBT community has a lot if not all of the same rights a straight, non-altered person does.

Does society still frown apon it? Or should I say the “entitled white, straight, Christian male” frown on it? Yeah probably, but you have horrible people of all races, ages, orientations, etc. It just seems like these “so called” marginalized groups want to do everything they deem acceptable while contributing to the amoral decline of western civilization. Then they want to tell any group of people that isn’t them or panders to their beliefs and lifestyle that they should shut up like “they where shut up” and just “accept it” and fall in line.


Why do Filipinos and Filipino culture need to be represented in a fantasy video game that doesn’t take place anywhere near earth?


From what I’ve read, it seems to be just a few words in a quest text that indicates he is transgender. That’s it. I think we can all handle that.

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“Hang on a sec, my wife is calling me into the other room” Isn’t discussing or declaring your sexual preference.

It means, “something more important to me than this game is happening, please wait”.

I play at work. “Hang on, my boss just walked in.” Also, isn’t a sexual reference or a wink wink signal.

I think the problem has grown into hating on people that don’t care what objects you use to defile yourself with or with whom.

Sounds more like attention seeking. You guys wanted normal, you got it. It’s so normal that nobody even cares and that bothers you.

Also, when corporations do this, I mean, come on. We all know why they do it. It should be offensive to the people they are doing it to, not us.

I prefer to not have any of this in my escape from IRL (look at the reaction). But, if they are going to check the boxes of every degeneracy out there, I don’t want to be harassed by it, celebrated, and hope I never have to use some made up pronoun in order to progress through the quest. The rest of us have the same rights as you do. And I’m not willing to play along with your game of pretend IRL or in games.


Imagine not believing that trans people exist


That’s just the way everything is going now. In the game, it shouldn’t be a problem just to ignore the stuff you don’t like. It doesn’t have any impact on the game play.

Hmm. Wasn’t there some Transgender Characters in WoW? I really don’t recall much from the Game’s Story Quests and Lore.

Yah but dont have to like or accept or support it, ill have fun spending my money elsewhere :wink:


How can we “ignore” something that is just getting shoehorned in to cater to a over vocal demographic?


You don’t have to like it but you should learn to just accept it. I would recommend that for your sanity.


I am under no obligation legal or otherwise to “accept it” in game or irl. I have to tolerate it at best.


I don’t know. Don’t read the quest text. Just hit accept on the quest. Honestly, guys, in game, everything isn’t going to be centered around this character being trans. It’s just a little part that you don’t have to read.

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