Pelagos. Is Transgender

On a positive trans related note. I haven’t been motivated for buying clothes in awhile. Ordered a really nice limited run hoodie.

Now you may ask “Cale you live in Arizona. Why the heck are you ordering hoodies?”

2 reasons
1: I was born a whopping 2 pounds as a baby so I don’t have a lot of fat say on my arms. I get cold easily and we like to blast cold AC here in arizona. Shivering ain’t fun
2: A big hoodie does WONDERS for gender dysphoria. Don’t wanna see your female shape? Bam. Hoodie. And if it’s a zip up hoodie then you can wear a baggy shirt under it and still show whatever is on it. Noice. Although that reminds me I need to find a shop that sells chest binders.

It won’t be here for awhile since they’re doing preorders for it up until sometime like mid august. If it’s here by at least october that would be lovely. That’s when it starts to get chilly in arizona.


All im seeing here is people like me asking that others dont take a poo on the representation that we havnt had much of, but now have a little of.

What else i see is people taking a poo on even the merest idea that us being represented is valid.

I dont have to justify my existance to want to be included or represented.


And why are those people in the minority? Because much of said cultures has been the way it was for years. And they think it’s right. To me, to you, it’s wrong.

This is not the only guide that exists, and people aren’t born with this information.

Yes, some oppressive governments are doing that.

Some oppressive governments, however, are perceived as “not” oppressive to their populace, if that populace doesn’t think they’re being oppressed through local culture/religion

It means things turned out the way they did over here, and things turned out the way they did over there.

We are all human, some of us very corrupt, however. But if you were born in such a theoretical place, it’s very likely you would have the same argument but for that opposing ruling class, as you have the argument for freedom and pursuits of happiness here.

You would be the minority, if you even thought of it, in those places.

I agree, but unfortunately certain cultures/ideologies oppress things on their own, and to change those cultures one would have to claim our way of life in the west is superior in some way. Ironically, this is offensive to open minds.

I hope you don’t think I’m talking about the thread subject, because I agree with this character in the game. I just have a problem with your original quote that can be used from any perception.

In short, I am glad of your optimism here in the USA. This is functional and my ideologies, so far as I can tell, align with yours. If I had it my way, definitely all oppressed peoples would be liberated.

Elsewhere, our ideologies conflict with other people’s, and we are the villains there. There is no overall objective morality for the whole world in my opinion, no. There is only what we have become, and where we are lucky to be. And that said, concerning justice, justice is a construct of these powerbases.

So, other people have different opinions of right, so don’t try?

I never said don’t try, this is how the ideologies evolve, through conflict (not just physical, i should mention, but debating primarily is what I would prefer, but we know how it happens). I’m just saying, it’s fair game. Fight your fight.

Represented equally? So, even though a certain demographic make up 0.6% of the population you want them to be represented as though they were 25% of the population or more?


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Then what is the point of all your statements?

You take a very straightforward statement that if you see the powerful stepping on the powerless that if you claim neutrality you are on the side of the powerful, and try to turn it into a discussion of morality, and some iffy talk on other cultures.

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In the current thread’s context, your quote has weight (in my opinion).

But anyone can use it. This is the problem. The oppressors can view themselves as oppressed/victims if convinced to.

That’s a practically meaningless point though, since it applies to practically everything. Horrible people try to milk human empathy by faking injury to themselves, does that mean there’s something wrong with saying we need to help those that need it? We can’t just cede everything to the scoundrels who wrap themselves in the false image of virtue. And I’ll trust the Archbishop on how to deal with oppressive regimes.

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Unfortunately, yes.

No, definitely nothing wrong. But when you go to a doctor, they can see if you really need help. If that quote about oppression/neutrality was applied everywhere though, things would be very confusing. Nobody would agree with eachother.

Something like that is happening right here in the US. Some sort of divide. We should just be more careful in how we fight for our ideologies so we can convince people more fluently, and not make them feel forced into agreeing with us by simply stating what we think is right and wrong. Others have been raised a certain way and will respond to such objective claims with resistance.

Ideologies win by convincing others, but slowly, fairly, and unfortunately for this nation, a lot of patience.

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pelagos best night elf

:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


I don’t think we know what his race was actually.

whatever race they are, they will be the best

and we must protect them

:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


An obligation we have? No. We do have an obligation to not be pricks to each other and when that obligation is broken, the offender gets ridiculed. Now though those people take to the internet crying the “SJWs are changing mah game!!!”

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There is an overall objective moral authority though. “Do no harm”.

When an ideology specifically seeks to do harm to a class of people, whether it be physical harm, economic harm, whatever, that ideology can’t be tolerated in a civil society. Tolerating that ideology means that people who would support such intolerance will eventually overrun society entirely, pushing out the tolerant people who don’t want to deal with it.

When individuals seek to do harm to others, whether it be physical harm, emotional harm, whatever, those individuals can’t be tolerated to participate in discussion and debate in a civil society. Again, tolerant people will be pushed out of those discussions and debates entirely, leaving only the intolerant.

Any ideology or position that begins with “This immutable characteristic of some other person makes them lesser than me, and not deserving of the same rights as everyone else” is inherently incompatible with tolerance.

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I know in eternity, I will be female, because well reasons. I’m perfectly fine with that, as I know Whom I’m Married To.

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I :heart: Pelagos.

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probably a dragon now that im actually looking at the name

pelagos best dragon

:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Well we’ll go with the pronouns they want to be known as… It’s not hard.


So, does Guinness track records for missing the point and people are here competing for that accolade or what?