Pelagos. Is Transgender

I find this question is made in bad faith. Pelagos is only 1 character is all of WOW I’d be surprised if that makes up 1% of NPCs


You realize someones Gender isn’t just their genitalia right? Like, its a mindset, a roll, and what you view yourself.


I’d like to enter into this conversation with a serious question. So first I think I need to state I have no problems with Blizzard introducing a transgender character but the inclusion of such a character in the Kyrian covenant seems quite puzzling. Correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t one of the core components of ascending in said covenant forgetting your past life? So wouldn’t all the Kyrians, or at least the good Kyrians, lack an identity entirely outside of being Kyrian? I think they could have introduced a regular transgender human in storm wind or really in any other covenant and it would have made more sense. If I am wrong about my assumptions regarding forgetting ones identity to ascend then please correct me.

They ultimately do, and when they have forgotten themselves, they have those wings. Those are the ascended. Pelagos, has no wings, so would still retain memories of who they were


Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up for me! Makes sense than. Can completely ignore my comment.

I want to be known as “God” - that’s my preferred pronoun. Tyvm.

How about football/football/football self?
