And some of us have to get over that fear and say something. That’s how this changes. The group gets sympathetic representation in media (as opposed to stereotypes and being butt of jokes or just villain types) and other people speaking up and calling it out when someone says something that needs to be corrected.
And some people will villify that latter as if it purely means driving someone out of society for a slip up. But it can be a friendly reminder, a mention that while yes, whoever you’re trying to insult is an absolute tool, you shouldn’t use someone else’s existence as an insult. That’s our job if we want other people to be able to live their lives in the same type of peace that we can live ours.
Blizz telling me they believe in everyone getting a say for inclusivity while punishing lgbt that speak up in their forums. And the terrible people can continue posting
My theory is that it’s about who impacts their bottom line more. LGBT people speaking up about what upsets them agitates a large chunk of the playerbase, which means when we get to speak they think their sales are gonna go way down. Because unfortunately being inclusive is worse publicity than not representing or misrepresenting LGBT people.
It probably depends on who you’re trying to get through to.
For those who are less likely to be swayed (such as the group I mentioned in my previous post) some gentle, but persistent, desensitization could be effective.
TV personalities, etc, who reach to be relatable.
Best example I can think of is probably Rob Halford. I’ve probably known hundreds of metalheads, an all those years, I don’t recall one saying they didn’t like Judas Priest.
It can be done. Probably will take time and effort, but it can, nonetheless.
It’s the same harmful logic of “Hey this kid is being horribly bullied. But I’ll only step in when the bullied kids finally pushes back THEN I’ll punish THEM and not the bully that started it” with teachers.
It’s a shame seeing a genuine “Hey here’s a cool trans” effort from the writers and yet the business side and moderation side of blizz clearly have different goals.
Right? Another reason why relegating the creative team to non-decision making positions is really sad. I really liked the dialogue they had for Pelagos, it focused more on the FREEDOM he experienced in alleviating that gender dysphoria rather than focusing on the ‘pain’. You don’t see that often with narratives that include us.
I feel the character is fine. The way they felt it had to be announced is what’s putting people off. And I always thought shaw was trying to hook up with valerra until this book. So that kinda came out of the blue. Felt forced.
It’s great thier going for diversity. But they shouldn’t feel the need to make it a spotlight like it’s some big breakthrough.
As with Flynn and Shaw. Folks would say ALLLLLLL the time “Wut you want people to say oh btw im gay?” Blizz did the natural route and now people are crying “THIS IS OUT OF NOWHERE AND NOT NATURAL”
Like. Bruh ya’ll need to pick one. They interact in BfA and Shaw tells Valeera he’s thinking of someone. Shaw is the no nonsense type. If he was interested in Valeera, he’d say so.
That’s a daily thing for me now a days. Can’t let every grain of salt break your back. You’ll be crippled before long.
But please, dont take this as me not supporting it. I support it 100% as an addition to the game. I’m just starting the book and looking forward to seeing how shaw/Flynn end up together. I dont recall much in game leading to it so I’m hoping it’s written well.
What if your someone who would like to see no one represented? How awesome would that be? We would all be equal. Then again, the game might be so alien no one would want to play it.
I can understand esp with how everything is lately. I wasnt disagreeing with anything I like the fact that they added him to the game. I just felt it didnt need an announcement because it should have just been accepted. And I wasnt denying shaw’s sexuality. I just had a different interpretation from in game. Which is why I’m hoping his and Flynn’s romance gets written well.