Pelagos. Is Transgender

Science tends to describe masculine / feminine kinda like a volume bar. Some can be male on one side, some are female on the other. Neutral folks are just somewhere in between. So the two gender thing still applies. It’s just a different level


… What does it take away from others to want to be represented? Like it or not, media informs the way we think about our society and lack of or even bad representation is going to impact a society’s view on those people. It’s the reason stereotypes in media are harmful; Not just because offensive or whatever, but it has real life impact on people.
Trans peoples’ lack of representation through most media is partly what’s causing all this backlash. People who usually don’t have to think about us are now thinking about us, and that makes them uncomfortable.


Because I think it’s foolish to have a fantasy world full of so many strange things yet stop at the idea of a natural thing that happens like trans. A lot of fantasy worlds use their own way to represent lgbt stuff. ( Heck I’m surprised if I ever see a straight Tiefling player in DnD. We’re suckers for this little devils )

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Heck I’ve had to explain to a lot of people “No. I’m not a tomboy. I’m a trans man…no…no…other way around. I’m not a man wishing to be a woman…”

I feel a bit sorry for your grandchild, dude. You can have your own views but your grandkid’s identity isn’ a viewpoint or opinion; It’s fact. They are agender.
I think something that could help is to try talking to them about it, get their point of view and try to understand why they’ve arrived at this conclusion. You may bond more and come to a better understanding. Sorry if this is condescending; It’s just stuff I wish my grandparents would do.


My statement is intended to be all-encompassing. Regardless of which side you are or aren’t on, in any and all situations with any person.

Nothing makes you right, and nothing makes anyone else right.

Once one uses a term such as “bigot” as an argument, all rational measures of counterpoint are abandoned.

Attack substance, not character.

Allowing those who are ill-meaning to offend you is a cession of power, which is absolutely voluntary.

We all have our own beliefs I think all people to include my myself sometimes need to learn to Tolerate those beliefs a little better. But we dont have to agree.

I like how you’re pulling the BSAB card, but like just about any time someone pulls that move, you’re only pointing out the wrongs of the side trying to make things better.

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human rights are not just a belief

You can’t pull the “lets agree to disagree” card on human rights


Answer me this: Are your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness a matter of opinion?
Is your identity as a cis (non-trans) male a matter of opinion?
Is your right to food, shelter, clothing, and emotional stability a matter of opinion?
I’m not here to discredit your beliefs or opinions, but I’m here to explain that trans peoples’ rights, identities, and existence aren’t opinions. They’re not an abstract idea, they’re a part of life.


i diasgree.

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The sad thing is, had I not been on these forums I would have had no clue about this entire topic. It will likely not be explained in game very clearly if at all. So having this representation is reaching like what 1-2% of the players considering only a small fraction actually even read the forums and likely even less have clicked on this specific topic? The way it is being included in the game will achieve nothing of what you are claiming is a good reason to include it. So you are technically represented in this game yet as far as the majority of the players are concerned, LGBT has no representation.

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I don’t know what BSAB even means.

And I’ve accused no-one of being wrong about anything.

I have a feeling you’re misinterpreting me.

Both Sides Are Bad

Usually used to equate one side that is well meaning but has flaws, and another that is actively in the wrong on something as being equally wrong.


This kinda a bleak argument. It’s a fantasy world. You’d think this stuff would be more common then since current societal norms don’t have to apply.

Also… Trans and other LGBT people pay the same sub fee as anyone else.

You should take a look at the gender and sexuality spectrum.

And… So they’ve added a trans npc… So this is what they want to add. Not to mention the gay night warrior.

I honestly get this as it is what has gone on with my husband and members of their family.

But from how that all went down I’d implore you to consider reading up a bit more on it, and maybe consider talking to them about how they feel and why.

Otherwise I cannot fault you here, though I disagree somewhat.

This is a better way to explain it than I have been doing and I’m stealing this. Lol I’m not great at words…

This is I kinda what I meant Valarian.

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Exactly! And that’s why the people complaining that the representation is ‘forced’ has no grounds. They’re not REALLY uncomfortable that it’s ‘forced’. They’re uncomfortable that our existence is mentioned at all, but they know it’s bad to have bigoted outlooks, so they rationalize it in a justice-y sounding way. It’s really sad, honestly.
Trans men are rarely acknowledged even within our OWN communities, and seeing honestly the second trans man in any media I’ve encountered immediately get thousands of replies of negativity and hate… I dunno. Really doesn’t sit well with me.
And people don’t understand this is more than just media; Stories about people will ALWAYS influence how society sees those groups. Even in the 18th Century, this was true! Europeans wrote waves of books about an exotic, amoral, provocative idea of the Middle East and South Asia instead of painting an honest picture, and that’s influenced the way we’ve seen those nations to this very day.
People assuming trans people have some sort of agenda (which… is what most discrimination against us lies in, from TERF ‘trans predator’ rhetoric to ‘political agenda’ rhetoric) has lost us the right to serve in the military, to use the bathroom, to stay in homeless shelters, and to non-discriminatory healthcare. We’re already losing our rights at a dizzying rate, and sometimes I just want to disconnect and look at media that reminds me that I’m not universally hated by my own country. And then this reaction happens.


Big yikes…

At the end of the day I applaud Blizzard for their stance moving forward on diversity, representation, and look forward to seeing more of Palagos, and Shaw and Flynn just as much as I enjoy Thalyssra and Lor’themar.


Oh dear lord. How?


Just want him to enjoy his childhood, before the politics and views enter his life is all. Also he is happy and not having problems with it atm

I really am looking forward to more of their shenanigans. They’re both goofs when together.