Pelagos. Is Transgender

Yah sure what ever say fezzy, lol

Spot on. I swear, people are so transparent. People like Valarian over there really do sound like: “Politics in media are cool but ONLY if they validate MY worldviews otherwise it’s evil and underhanded and out to destroy ME specifically”


Like i said before dood, be you, i could care less, i dont judge, my belief is we will be all judge by a higher power in the end, good luck. But i will voice my opinion.

I don’t have the energy to explain my existence to you at the second, but I really do urge you to examine why you feel like the existence of a demographic in a game feels like a political agenda to you.
Most of us don’t want our lives politicized, and we’re more than a matter of other peoples’ opinions. I’m not gonna yell because that’ll make things worse, but seriously.
You’ll get less backlash if you examine why your knee jerk reaction to a trans person in a video game is believing it’s an underhanded political agenda. Same goes for support of BLM; Black people are simply asking for their rights, and that doesn’t need to be a bipartisan issue. They’re human people, and I personally don’t feel human lives can be a political opinion.


I really dont care about your existence, or your political views, or your opinion.

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As I said before; Human rights CAN NOT be a matter of opinion, no matter how much the U.S. political system tries to make it so. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.


I mean why would I, I dont know you, you have no impact on my life, nore do i you, we play the same game that’s about it.

I don’t know how to tell you that you should care about other people.
Anyways, I’m going to go have fun. Have a nice life.


i do care if i seen a person hurt or needing help i would help them then move on. Dont need to know their story.

I don’t know what god you ascribe to but mine tells me not to do this stuff…

I know you’re not a troll or a [redacted]. It genuinely pains me to see you have these views. I hope you will one day get better info on this topic so you realize it shouldn’t be an issue that they’re adding representation to the game.

Generally I’d also hope you get some better info on BLM and such too…


what stuff?

Detach yourself from other people’s opinions and views otherwise you won’t ever be able to live to the fullest. People will think what they want to think and you can’t control it. So why waste your energy on it.

Actually this all started because I said I didnt like the positions that the company had been taking politically and adding agenda driven overtures lately and was taking a long departure from the game, never said anything about anyone or their private lives. Crazy stuff

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what if you had a child who turned out different

Different doesn’t always mean bad. I would just want them to be happy.

Then he will understand your struggles. People usually show empathy when they themselves go through it.

I do not care if we have a LGBT zone… none of it matters to me. What annoys me is when people feel they SHOULD be represented in a fantasy world where normal rules do not necessarily apply. Male x Female like it or not is considered NORMAL. It is considered normal because it is how people and animals procreate. I am not saying anything else is wrong but saying F x F, M x M, or even transgender should be represented in a fantasy world is flawed logic. The only thing that should be represented is what the worlds creator wants in the world. If he/she wants real world issues then have at it. But if not, stop complaining.


I do have a grandson that identifies and Gender Neutral, I believe in two genders, but I dont talk politics or views with him right now due to the fact I dont want to interfere with his experience growing up, but when he is older and able to understand the views I have then i will explain my views to him leave it to him to decide where the relation goes. But I dont agree with it.

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Bro we got people dating dragons in WoW but trans sound too weird?



Try reading what I said. I said it is up to the worlds creator, idc if all of SL is trans. What is wrong is when people feel they DESERVE to be represented.

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