Pelagos. Is Transgender

Slow your roll there, champ. You are reading what I said, but looking for a fight. I was asking about transgender people playing wow as a curiosity, not a means of denying transgender characters.

If you read the rest of my posts, you would see that I am supportive of the gay and transgender characters.

Put down the sword.


I doubt it was done of pure of heart.

Pointing out that you are wrong isn’t getting the sword out…They really have little representation, and blizz has not made a big fan fair about it, players have. If you read the rest of my breakdown, point that out too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So is FerociouslySteph…aka deer girl/boy/person/thing.

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I’m not wrong. There isn’t anything that you pointed out that wasn’t simply my opinion, which I even stated as such. You aren’t winning this, because there is no battle to be had.

Chill, my dude.


Your question as to if that many trans people play the game is a bad look.

I know about 10 transgender people on my server. Lots of us are in the closet because it’s much easier to not say anything than to be harassed.

How is transition by death not offensive as hell? Depression and suicide rates are high in the community and Blizzard is really gonna tote the character that had to die to become what they wanted to be in life as their rep? If that isn’t a tone deaf message to send by a company that has no idea what they’re doing than I don’t know what is.


Show me where blizz is putting in alot of fan fare about this trandgender NPC

Cool beans.

Like I said, it was more of a question out of curiosity, rather than a judgement. I only ask because I have never met anyone on WoW who has admitted to being transgender, or even seen one at Blizzcon, while I have met several gay men and women.

Again, I am completely fine with the new transgender character.

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You are reading too much into the wording. I am talking in a general sense. As I have said to a previous poster, you normalize something by using subtlety.

I am actually multi-racial. I do not agree with having a black history month or African American liscence plates. Because if you announce it, then that means that it is something different than normal. We should learn and cherish about all races, cultures and creeds every day, not at one specific time.

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Many transgender people are still in the closet. We still have to deal with people trying to murder us for being who we are.

I don’t go walking down the street telling every tom, richard, and harold what my pronouns are.


And that is understandable. For my own curiosity, is WoW not the place to feel more comfortable and share? Not to Trade chat, of course, but perhaps friends and guild mates? No one can see you or harm you on the internet.

Right, so latest numbers are that trans people represent 0.6% of the US population.

I have no issues with this personally, but when people demand equal representation what are they really asking for?

So are trans people going to continue to bash Blizzard until they get 0.6% of all npcs or are trans people happy with this one?

One of the things I never really understood was taking political stances in games especially MMORPGs where you can basically be what you want, when you want, how you want.

If you’re a female or male biologically, but identify as a seperate gender then you could simply play the gender you identify as. As far as I am concerned Trans people have always been represented well. You aren’t forced to play as your actual race or gender. You get to choose.

Different races have always been represented well. We have literally a ton of different gender/race combinations to pick from.

Only 2 of which represent white humans. Which don’t even have to be straight. Now they are even adding in darker skin tones so blacks can be represented more.

I think the “taking a step” you mention is wrong. They have gone all in. Every race/gender combination is completely accessible at this point.

And no, I’m not just backing up blizz here, I am saying they have done everything to appease everyone at this point.


But they did use sublety. Blizz only mentioned it in the characters dialog. Blizz didn’t come out saying “We are Trans friendly and because of that we made a NPC trans”
They did the sheer least amount they could do, just mention in dialog. Same as how the night warrior in the SL is gay, all he did is mention his husband. He didn’t make the char epicly flaming, or call everyone honey, etc. They have been on point with their subtlety.

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:exploding_head: What an exciting time for the lore and history of WoW. Kudos to the devs for…wait my brain just told me not to care.

Yeah… I feel like Tauren and Trolls really represents me … :roll_eyes:

Can we talk about how hamfisted and terrible the textbox is?

So does knowing someones sexual orientation now help kill stuff faster?


Yes you get a +1mil crit chance if you mention orientation in game now.