Pelagos. Is Transgender

Oh yes. And I’m the one demonizing.

I think a treatment of teaching the trans person acceptance of one’s self with supplemental medication is worth investigating. That’s how most other illnesses are treated - transgender is the odd man out with the highest amount of suicide associated with it.

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I see that where you are coming from is a place of genuine concern.

I think the part that I’m concerned about, and likely the other posters took issue with, is the assumption that being transgender is a mental illness. Because… well, it’s not.

There are a lot of mental illnesses that transgender people suffer from that other people also suffer from, such as depression, but I do think society plays a factor in that. And transgender people aren’t the only people to suffer from it. It’s a much broader picture.

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There’s case studies showing 40% suicide rate in transgender people. Investigating alternative treatment isn’t bigoted - its trying to save lives

I think any standpoint that comes from trying to save lives is important and should be heard.

I’m just also mentioning the danger of trying to insinuate that transgender is a mental illness.

Instead, looking at societal factors that contribute to high suicide rates in transgender individuals could also be a solution.

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You claimed it. >.>

Funny how it was consider a mental disorder until political groups got involved. WHO literally said it was removed from the list to make transgendered people feel better.


It was removed because scientists proved it didn’t fit the criteria of a mental disorder…

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It was removed in 2019 because it had a negative stigma to it, and WHO gained a better understanding of it. Hence, it was no longer classified as a mental illness.

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And black and white marriages were once considered unnatural. But guess what, humanity grew up a little. Same with this.


Women were also considered inferior, since we are adding to the list of things that society used to believe.

You’re right. Society evolves and adapts. The WHO removing transgender (labeled something else I believe) as a mental illness is a tremendous step in the right direction.

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Indeed. Its sad that in some american states, women are still considered inferior and sometimes property, even by the courts.

We have a long way to go.

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I’m not against that. It very well could be completely societal. Also society could play a minimal impact on it. I’m curious what case studies will show in the next few years. I’m curious how the suicide rate has fluctuated over the past 20 years and what it would look like in 10 years from now. I’ll agree that more science is needed in the subject - either way the suicide rate among that community is staggeringly high and needs to be addressed

This we can agree on. I do believe that society is moving in the right direction though, and more and more people are willing to expand their ideas on what being transgender is like and opening their hearts to the community.


The American Psychiatric Association defines ‘mental illness’ as the following:

Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.

I am not well informed on the topic but doesn’t transgender fit all of the above listed flags?

When you have a system that sets up someone’s very existence and identity in a diagnosis as a mental health condition, that creates a stigma that works against them day in and day out. Unfortunately, it’s a common practice to actively discriminate against people with mental illnesses and so removing gender incongruity from the list of mental disorders is a step in the right direction.

It’s not something that needs a diagnosis, which is another reason it’s no longer a mental illness. It’s just someone’s internal parts matching with their external parts; a form of expression that makes them feel like themselves. Many people who are transgender can identity this within themselves.


ofc you dont have to support it but it is sad to see in 2020 we still havent evolved past such primitive prejudices

i personally think this kind of representation was long overdue


Especially since its JUST ONE CHARACTER! lol

it’s not like its every character in SLs… People can deal.


It reasonable to tolerate but one dont a have to accept others way of life, I could care less what people do in their lives, I dont judge that will be done by a higher power according to my beliefs. I dont believe a video game is place to make political and agenda driven overtures. trying to guilt people or making fun of them or canceling them out wont work or silence people.

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Apples to oranges. Gender Dysphoria is not related to schizophrenia.

Proper treatment for dysphoria is treating the person as they wish to be treated. Making them think “no you’re your birth gender get over it” just makes the dysphoria louder. The brain is seriously wired to be another gender from their physical body.

Hormones and surgery are also needed depending on how loud the dysphoria is. It varies.