Pelagos. Is Transgender

It’s not about being fragile, or being offended. It’s about pushing back against the bigots who have been hating with impunity for far too long.

To paraphrase an old saying, “I hate what you are saying, but I’ll fight for your right to say it. Then I’ll fight even harder everyone else’s right t to drag, mock and ridicule the stupid hateful things you say.”

Free speech is a two way street.


“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

― Desmond Tutu


Having someone be or not be transgender is not a ‘situation of injustice’.

I believe they mean the injustices trans have to deal with from other people.


people like you are why Rome fell during the Roman Empire

In other words - if you don’t agree with us you’re a bad person. No thanks


No it means those who wont accept people as they are, are on the wrong side of history.


maybe those people just don’t want to contribute to the 40% suicide rate? Maybe medication and teaching the person to accept themselves is the more humane route than the route that leads to likely suicide.


Trust me, no. Its not. Telling someone to get over it and just be happy as they are is why too many feel suicide is the option to go for. :frowning:


Funny way to prevent suicide that. “I know, let’s force people to be miserable, and maybe drug them! That will solve the suicide problem in a group that is really looked down on in society more than respecting who they are, and maybe changing society to be kinder and you know, not completely torturing people so that they have horrific suicide rates”


Well the suicide rate in schizophrenics is much lower. Obviously your guys solution isn’t working (otherwise you’d have less suicides on your hands) - maybe try the tried and true method that works for similar illnesses.

I just think you can’t really claim how much you care for peoples lives while continuing to push practices that largely lead to massive deaths

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“It’s all societies fault!”

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I know, it’s pretty heartless what you’re doing here.

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Well, yeah. That’s the whole damn point.

Society is messed up here, and some people want to fix that so things are better for more people.


If you don’t acknowledge the fact that societal views have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of trans people, you’re being intellectually dishonest.


There is so much wrong in these words.

It’s forcing people to be something they’re not that causes that rate to be so high and otherwise ostraciszing them for being who they are.

Following the viewpoint that trans people are somhow confused, despite the overwhelming evidence that supports what they are, just makes you wrong.

Go read up and educate yourself on the science.

Start here… But don’t stop here. Everyone needs to see how not clear cut gender and sexuality are.


Ignoring statistics because it doesn’t fit the narrative is also intellectually dishonest. You don’t tell a schizophrenic that the illusions are real - you help them to come to acceptance with who they are. 40%. Never forget the 40%

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Not even remotely the same thing as being transgender.

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Damned Lies

Go off back to the chans or whatever other cesspool you dragged yourself out of to come here and try and kill more people by pretending that the problems that population faces are not caused by the way they are treated for most of their life and instead try to use it to prohibit what may be the best way for people to live in peace in their own skin.


I bet you love anime.