Pelagos. Is Transgender

Why is a single transgender character such a threat for people?


Because it’s a thing that can humanize the group to people who don’t have or know they have any exposure to them, thus showing them as just another group of people with their own foibles and good and bads like everyone else. Same reason people protest anytime a downtrodden group starts to get exposure in the media as something other than a cruel joke or as crude stereotypes presented as an other that is below everyone else?

They’re afraid they won’t be allowed to hate people openly anymore, and that society will improve and leave them behind.

But I’m sure you know that already, (but it’s also kinda satisfying to say it outloud in their presence)


You left out forced acceptance or else.

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I was actually crying myself to sleep on the daily knowing that Azeroth was not woke enough - Thank you for making my future sleep possible. I can now stop shedding the tears. I am so overcome with joy.


Nope. I hate em because they choose to be bigots. In an age where any piece of information is readily available at their fingertips, they choose to remain ignorant.


Pelagos seems pretty interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing his story playing out in Bastion.

I think the real thing we oughta be asking though is if he’s going to end up censored in the East or not. Otherwise this might as well just be lip service from Blizzard.

Because we happy

I disagree.

Even if it’s censored in China being able to see this in game is still a big win for transgender people and LGBT in general.

Just because one place forces it to be squelched doesn’t erase it.


I guess that’s one way to look at it. I’m not trying to argue, I just think it’s a little more poignant of a message if things aren’t changed for another audience, but that might be too much to expect with the world as it is right now.

God forbid they represent the multitude of other people in the world beyond cis het folk.

Nope one npc is way too much representation for them. :roll_eyes:

Multi gender? Trans still follow the 2 main ends of the spectrum. Male / Female.


It’s difficult to imagine that people can think this way.
My heart goes out to all the people who have to deal with this level of pea-brain-ness on a daily basis.


Why cant i report this post??

There is a fine line between progressive, and pandering. Implementing it to be “edgy” or “politically correct” counters the point. Pelagos falls into the edgy pandering category.

(Honestly, without knowing who Pelagos was while alive we have to assume he is a brand new character. This is no different then a movie or show making some minor character in the background “transgender”, mentioning it for one episode, then forgetting about them. If you praise the character only because he is transgender, you are encouraging that disrespectful pandering.)

Did they really need to have a character bluntly say “I’m transgender”? Feels like the writers/developers didn’t think people would be intelligent enough to get the message by simply saying, “Kyrian Aspirants are able to choose a physical form that represents their true self.”


*Disliking how a medium of entertainment chooses to represent a group is not the same has having something against said group. If you choose to believe I am anti-what-ever, that is your malfunction. Not mine.

*I love the race itself. Being able to be physically represented by your inner self is an awesome step. I always felt dragons picked their humanoid shape based on their inner self also.

*My opinion is also based on the assumption that you can (in game) easily learn that the Kyrian Aspirant’s physical form represents their true self rather then their living physical self. If said information is not presented to you in-game then the above opinion is pretty much thrown out the window as you would need some NPC to flat out tell you they were once the opposite gender.

*Well, aside from the opinion that entertainment mediums shouldn’t simply label some random character for the netz points of having said labeled character in their show then forget about them as the season continues.


I mean, this just comes off as you claiming that the mere presence of the character is some edgelord nonsense and not just a character that is open about their existence. It’s not like it’s some early career John Waters type deal.


No he doesn’t. You just want him to. :man_shrugging:


Cool I guess

Just here to say I’m happy about all of the diversity and inclusion additions reflected in game by Blizzard moving forward it is so nice to see. :smiley_cat:


When I started this game I totally cared either way just like I do now. :roll_eyes:

A lot of words used there to be wrong.

Nothing edgy at all, just a character that, if you care to look, has this backstory.

And even if it never comes up again, it’s still a positive thing. Representation matters.