Pelagos. Is Transgender

No they havent. Its only been a select group that fits the PC agenda.

The gay agenda:

Monday: Be gay
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Be gay
Thursday: Be gay
Friday: Super gay
Saturday: Super gay
Sunday: Brunch gay


I almost spit out my coffee :laughing:

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I’ll have a Mimosa with that please.

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Does brunch gay involve avocados?

Sure if you want.

Stopping by this thread to make an announcement:

Well there’s nothing wrong with liking male Draenei.

At what point did I say I don’t like transgender people? Stop making this an attack. If you can, since that’s what yall always do.

Let’s see here.

You expressed an opinion that my very existence is a political controversy when it’s not.

This is an attack as far as I’m concerned.

People who are offended by my existence have a personal problem they need to work through and companies shouldn’t not add representation if they want to because a small portion of people are going to have their feefees hurt by it.

PS: I’m a paying customer too. If I can handle an army of cisgender heterosexual characters jammed in my face you can handle one single transgender npc.


grabs popcorn

Transgender people are alright. Transgender characters are pretty good too, just as long as being transgender isnt their only characteristic.

I have high hopes Blizzard will avoid this with Pelegos if he’s a more important character due to being a soulbind.

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Say hello to reality. EVERYTHING is turned into a political fight and transgender is no exception. And when did I say I was offended? You sure are projecting.

Goodness, you wear that victim shield well.

As opposed to you totally not at all victims who are crying because there’s a fictional character that doesn’t fit your world view in a fantasy game.


1 transgender character.

You all can deal.


Can you please site anywhere I said anything of the sort? The clowns crying about the character are no better than the clowns making these threads to parade it around like it’s special.

Here’s one


Lol, typical. This is why there will always be friction for the LGBT community. They can never be wrong about anything. Being LGBT doesn’t make you special. The fact you believe it does, just proves my point.


They’re people, they like seeing people like them in the game. Like most people like being able to relate in some way to fictional characters. Stop dumping on people who are happy about things with stupid pointless hate and then acting like you’re somehow superior for being a petty cruel person.


The issue is other folk thinking we think we’re special when all we want is to be represented and accepted… You know… As human beings with rights.

Seeing our stories along with cis het stories isn’t exactly a big ask.