Pelagos. Is Transgender

My family wasn’t even religious. That just makes it feel worse


There was a BLM thread on the classic board that one poster took it upon themselves to get shut down by purposefully devolving it into hateful name calling.

If you want it gone, call me hateful names. My body is ready. :grimacing:

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Is that a sneaky way of saying one person called out people using polite terms to say terribly racist things?

Then there was the first semester I started using my chosen name and presenting as male and people were calling me slurs in the classroom behind my back.

It was a journalism class and I fought back by writing an op-ed about my transgender experience and running it on the front page of the school paper.

I got an apology because I basically called them out in front of whole university.

I won an award for the piece.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


No. After i small time it wasn’t about BLM anymore at all. Was very civil and even opposing viewpoints were getting along quite well. They first came in complaining it had no place on the classic board. Then tried to get everyone to flag everything.

When that didn’t work they came back and pretty much said as much hateful stuff as they could and got enough responses to get it shut down.

I thumb my nose at you!

Thou puny flap-mouthed measle.

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Scruffy nerf herder

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You’re a dog faced pony soldier and corn pop wasn’t a bad dude :japanese_goblin:

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Thou fobbing beef-witted fustilarian! :stuck_out_tongue:

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You seem like the kind of person that thinks Green Lantern was a good movie. :yawning_face:

Now them’s some fighting words.

Actually I didn’t mind it. The animated series was decent and I was sad when they cancelled it.

Fight me. Seriously. Meet at sonic.

I don’t think we have a sonic around these parts.

We have five guys… Which sounds like a film title.

I think we have sufficiently crapped on the thread. All these other lazy people that wanted it shut down aren’t putting in any work. Shame.

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F to pay respects.

People on every side need to stop telling others how they should think or what they should believe.

You choose whether or not someone else has the power to offend you.

You are only as fragile as you choose to be.

Just do you, and disregard whoever has a problem with it.

Whoever you are.


I am pretty sure making the assumption you need to protect others from an entire group because of what could happen is inherently evil, as it depends on a preconceived assumption they are bad, or would do this as a group, instead of just an individual. Replace trans with just white, black, hispanic, or whatever, and it is racist. Same thing with discrimination against sexual orientation, gender association, etc.