Pelagos. Is Transgender

Maybe I’m weird but here I am, a straight, white woman from the Good Ole Boy South (mention all that because I feel it speaks to the environment I live in) and yet…I love this. I think its great they added Pelagos in and honestly Blizz should NOT have to make blue posts to say…

Yeah this character is…(insert whatever here)
This character is gay…
Homophobia does not exist in Azeroth…

It should just be something you come upon as part of the story (or by reading the text Pelagos has) where you learn it naturally via the story. I think the whole story with Shaw and Flynn in the book was well handled as well. It wasn’t a big flashing sign screaming SHAW IS GAY FOLKS! it was subtley told and very well done IMHO. Same with the Night Warrior, no big fanfare just a couple words ‘my husband’. Whatever their intentions for adding this to make more money or to bring the story to a more modern thought process, I think they’ve done all right so far.

edit not sure how that replied to Feyrre’s post, was meaning just to comment not to comment specifically on another post.


Well what do you expect from people who put feefees above facts?


I’ve seen a lot of this in the thread. The Irony.


probably my bad. It had fallen behind and I made a post in it. :smirk_cat:

I guess there are a few people who are upset about it. As far as I can tell most people aren’t unhappy about it.


I don’t hate bigots because they were born. You’re not born a bigot or phobic of people. That’s taught. And in the end it’s a choice.

People that choose to be cruel to people for just being born different don’t deserve kindness imo.

If people want to hate me, they got plenty of valid reasons to. My birth has nothing to do with it


I haven’t seen a single person in this thread say they hated anyone else for being born. I think this is hyperbole. I haven’t read through the whole thing though. I pretty sure it would have been closed long ago if that happened.

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I like that people think Bobby Kotick called up the WoW writers and was like “we need a transgender character in the game, stat!” because they think somehow that will “make more money”??? The mental image of that happening is hilarious.

Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s more like one of the writers on WoW saw a good opportunity with the lore in Shadowlands of your appearance in the afterlife being a reflection of what your soul is like, and was like, this is the perfect time to write in a trans character like I’ve always wanted to.

And to any of the naysayers, be honest, if this wasn’t announced, would you have even noticed a transgender character in the game? You probably would have just ignored/skipped over the quest text and never even noticed a trans character in the game, hell you might have even actually read it and not even noticed it as a trans character.


This thread should have been closed a long time ago.


People would just start another one. There has already been 6-7 of them. Hell this isn’t even the only one going right now.

They hide it behind “it conflicts with my BELIEFS” and other flowery crap

Grew up with that kind of stuff. It’s all terribly pretty things so people can be hateful but still mingle in society with no hassle.


Really, it should have been. That other thread about a conservative guild got locked way faster than this one, and it was posted what, today?

Feels weird. This thread has waaay dissolved past the original discussion. Wonder if mods are monitoring this? :thinking:

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Or the classic, “I don’t care so long as I don’t see it.”


“why won’t you tolerate my differing opinion that I disagree with transgenderism”

Which is basically just TL;DR “trans people shouldn’t be allowed to exist”


The mods are transphobic and are fine allowing casual transphobia.

“Hey I support lgbt I just never want to see you anywhere in anything. Ever.”

They might as well say “be bored with media until you die” which is bull crap


I had a flagged post restored by a mod so i’m assuming they have taken note of it? Not sure that is something that can be automated.

It’s not something automated; a mod reviews the post to see if it broke any rules and if it hasn’t, it gets restored.

I don’t know, I’ve seen other threads like this get shut down faster. But I guess they had more posts? Not sure. Can’t believe this one is still up.

Having to listen to family say stuff like that at the dinner table while I was so in denial and in the closet about myself damn near killed me.

My left arm has all sorts of scars because I had no outlet for how miserable I was.

I keep telling myself “Hey. All this damage has to matter. Right? Please. Let it matter. Don’t let it be suffering for nothing and then I die into nothingness”


My family said they didn’t believe in it because the invisible man in the sky could not ever make someone the wrong sex.