Pelagos. Is Transgender

Quoted for those in the back who need to hear it again.

Shoulda just stopped talking there.

NO one us “shoving things in your face”. Transgender people exist. Get over it. And get over yourself.

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If a game has “inclusion” that’s fine but I don’t see where it’s necessary nor should it be mandatory. It’s a GAME, it’s meant to be fun. It should not be a reflection of real world politics or agendas because that will suck the fun right out and ruin it.


No one said it was mandatory.

I’m transgender. My existence is not a political issue or controversy. I. Exist.

People are literally just happy to have representation. That’s all.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Whether you like it or not it’s turned into a political thing to fight over just like everything else is. I play games to escape for a while from RL issues so sorry but I don’t want that following me into any games.


If you think my existence is a political issue, well, that’s a you problem and you should probably see a professional about it.

I am also a paying customer and I am transgender. I am just as entitled as you are to be here.

I also play the game to escape yet I get the cisgender heterosexual agenda shoved in my face non-stop. I’m sure you can handle one singular transgender character.

If you don’t like transgender people playing a game you can vote with your wallet.


A ton of transgender people play the game with you.

It’s not politics. It’s people.

And for petes sake it’s one npc!


Because most people don’t give a crap if their “gender” is represented. Only people who make their perceived gender their entire personality do. You make your own problems.


Cisgender people don’t care if they are represented because they’ve been represented the whole time.

Meanwhile cisgender people take a single transgender character as an avengers level threat on their identities.


Well, transgender in real life is an INCREDIBLY small population.

So about “1” Wow NPC, would probably be about right.

I work at a Big Box Hardware store, which is now very forward thinking in this regard. So I had to watch a video about it, with this “dork” guy who basically said inappropriate things to women/trans/other races/people in wheelchairs, etc. The video thing, by a third party company, was actually pretty good in making me realize that these are just people who want to live lives and work and stuff. This dorky guy just looked bad, REAL bad.

So I try to treat everyone exactly the same at work/life/etc; If you are a brawny “dude” you can help me lift that 120 pound item, or if you are a petite “lady.” I refuse to discriminate in any way now, equally asking all people for any needed help.


Why would you if it’s always represented?

Cis het has been the only setup shown forever, so much so, that people think it is the “normal” even though that’s just not accurate. Even het people fall on a spectrum.

Here is a brief description of the topic if you’d like to take a look.


I mean hell it’s better than being seen as lower than dirt like in the past.

At least nowadays EVERYBODY is getting swindled equally

All while sayin we’re such a small population and therefore not a big deal

AND YET HERE THEY ARE also treating us like we’re a threat when we get a slice of that pie for a change.


A threat to cOnSeRvAtIvE vAlUeS just by existing.

It’s wild.

If they really cared about liberty they wouldn’t care if I exist.


Like please if they were THAT easy to topple and be destroyed they would have been ages ago

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Clearly we have a massive clone army bent on world domination.


It’s just. Tiring I guess is the word I’m going for. Seeing hateful people trying to spin words and make some pretty illusion about themselves. “Oh I’m not really a bigot” then they go on to be awful people.

I guess part of me just wishes people would just be upfront and honest. But I know that’s not how it goes.

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It’s tiring seeing Blizzard continue to allow this thread full of casual transphobia.

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True. I know people are gonna say “then don’t comment in it!” but I took a break from this thread and it’s still here.

I am immensely concerned they’re keeping this thread open. This shouldn’t be here.