Pelagos. Is Transgender

No one should harm anyone, such a thing is abhorrent. However, I find it interesting you use this language, not everyone thinks certain personal choices are moral. And while you always have the right to make those choices, so long as they are legal, trying to make some sort of moral high ground out of them doesn’t work with people who do not believe you have said high ground.

Don’t start none, won’t be none.

You don’t have to be their friend, just leave them alone and let them live their life in peace without trying to interfere with that and you’re good.

The code of conduct basically says that this isn’t a safe space for certain opinions.

Other platforms may be more welcoming.

Let me tell you, by the standards of some I have been massively censored tonight

Making vague threats isn’t exactly following code of conduct either. I am well within the code of conduct to state to blizz, as their customer, that I would like less irl politics on my game.


Of course, protecting people being harmed by these people is the utmost more important thing in my opinion as well, thankfully more spaces are becoming normalized and safer for LGBT people. I just like thinking about how you can get down to the root of the problem as well. Normalization of lgbt people in our society has gotten better and this probably helps quite more than people realize which is nice. But it will still exist until we get rid of the root of the issue. Which involves making people less hateful overall. Though, I think it’s possible and for now people who are in danger because of them should be protected for now.

Since we’re basically circling around now though it’s alright if you focus on the multiple other people. Don’t wanna just keep running in circles with the same agreement over and over again. It was a fun conversation though, thanks for being sincere about it all. Some others might have just called me a troll haha :smile:

The only politics being forced into the game are the ones that are trying to pretend the mere existence of a character in this fantasy game is some diabolical move to what? What is the political endgame for making a trans wow character?

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Have you heard of the Sealion?

They’re a type of troll that just asks questions. Over and over, often repeating the questions after time has passed. Their trolling is twofold: One, they exhaust people who don’t realize what they are doing. Two: They can be really good at sounding like someone with sincere, if basic questions and thus end up getting people who are sincerely asking a question yelled at, and hopefully get them to be hostile to the target. It’s pretty nasty and results in a lot of collateral damage.


All this does is cause problems that didn’t exist before. I dont care what life choices other people make, I may disagree with them but I wont go out of my way to oppose them. But I dont want it shoved in my face every 10 mins.

You dont need to know my life choices, and I dont need to know yours. This is the equivalent to seeing a commercial on TV literally every 3 minutes about a guy who voted. He was so excited about voting, that he made a commercial about it and makes you see it on TV on every channel forever.

We get it, congratulations about your life choices, now please go enjoy them in the privacy of your own home.

Oooh, I wasn’t aware that was a type of trolling. I apologize if that’s what you thought I was trying to do lol.

WoW’s not your private safe space. Deal with it.

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Well, then its not yours either. We disagree with your choices, if were the majority of customers, doesn’t that mean your stuff gets taken down, because as the majority of customers, we make the rules.

Lets hold a plebiscite.

No one’s forcing you to interact with Pelagos though. You can totally ignore the character if you want to :man_shrugging:

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More there to help you know that sometimes, there’s been someone(s) there before setting things up to get people who are asking questions yelled at.

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Because you’re talking like a maniac.

Just picking some of the words that stand out in some of your posts so far.

-and “consequences”

I’m not on-board with re-education camps and all that crazy stuff. You’re never going to attract neutral people with this kind of talk. Nobody is going to live like that.

I’m all for people doing whatever, but no thanks. I don’t need to be thought policed like that. Even the people you are “protecting” will get tired real quick of the intrusion into their lives.

I think you need a better way, because you’re sounding like a crazy person. None of what you say sounds attractive at all.


Technically you do, it’s called the unsub button. However most people don’t feel like unsubbing over a few lines of text about a random character in SL. Don’t like it? You can unsub.

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Hey I don’t know if you know this but Pelagos is one character…


Sorry comrade, but businesses still listen to the majority, as they cant afford to lose the majority.

You’re not going to tell the majority to unsub because they disagree with your real world inserts into the game.

Or, it’s the dev’s game to create, and if you’re so fragile that a mass of pixels offends you so, you are welcome to go elsewhere. The rest of us who either think it’s good, or probably won’t even notice it will be fine with the game.

Because that’s what people are talking about, and not stuff like how certain words to describe LGBT people became unacceptable through, you know, basically the country (for the most part) growing up and getting over it?

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I’m not telling you to unsub because you disagree with anything, I’m telling you that you can vote with your wallet :woman_shrugging:

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