Pelagos. Is Transgender

It’s 8.8% LGBT, not 1/3.

Ha, you found the same source I did. From 2018 right?

2 years old, hmm, not taking into account the exponential recent growth of the last 2 years.

Hatred for wishing all actors on tv were replaced by trans? Did I fall and hit my head?

Being a supremacist, of any group, doesnt matter which, is still evil. There’d be a civil war if some one said only white males who are Christian could be shown on TV.

I may be a bit more optimistic than I sound.

I don’t think the majority of people will need any sort of serious consequence, I think with exposure in the media, and gentle correction that they can get the point. But that’s just because I may have a bit of a pollyanna side that thinks more people are just passive about it and can change with some push, and aren’t invested in that hate. I mean, it’s not like “Whoa, hey, that’s not cool to say” is really harsh correction.

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As of November 8, 2019

The percentage of regularly seen LGBTQ characters on prime-time broadcast TV this season reached an all-time high of 10.2%, or 90 out of a total of 879 characters

Not exactly 1/3

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Ah…here it is…the push to deprive other people of their first amendment rights. This thinking right here is a threat to the free world.

Our ancestors would fight for our rights to say things, even if they disagreed with them or even found them repugnant. And here you are, wanting to deprive others of the very rights our ancestors fought and died for.


The most recent data places it at maybe 10% of couples in media are LGBT.

1.2% increase from the 2018 number.

Your exponential increase is kinda laughable. Also that doesn’t show the breakdown of what those LGBT relationships are. Trans people are very underrepresented.


I like how you’re the one demanding people not speak their mind and acting like you’re the one defending the 1st, when you’re demanding to destroy it.

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This is how I personally feel about it as well, and is why I think most people can change. I simply don’t think they have a hatred that is literally seething as well.

Yea I personally don’t think it’s harsh at all. I’m more concerned about the small groups of people who are really serious about there beliefs. The ones who may actually be wanting to harass and harm others I believe are ones that will need consequences and be harder to show that doing that stuff is wrong.

Freedom of speech means that you can criticize your government without fear of retaliation. It doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want on a privately-owned platform without consequences…

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By all means, speak your mind away. However, forcing others to listen…well now that is a crime.

Hmm, do you hold that opinion when those private platforms do not want to broadcast your personal choices to the world?


So far I don’t seem to really be phased by it… and I am not saying this in a negative connotation.

Pelagos seems to be written very postively, without being a walking stereotype and actually being treated like a character who has/had flaws and seems to be an endearing person.

So hey, if more characters, no matter their chosen identity, is treated like this, I’m not really going to care because for me it’s a story at the end of the day, and I’m also happy that they’re adding a character like this (I’m afraid to say any term in fear of being either reported or told to screw off, so I’m on eggshells here.)

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Everyone posting on a private platform is bound to the ToS/EULA/AUP of that service.

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How very respectful. Also accepting. I like you so far.

CoC here. Can’t… quite remember what that means though. lol

We’re social beasts, at least in part, as society progresses, it makes it harder to hang on to behaviors that are harmful like that. So hopefully you’re making it less likely they’ll bring new people into the fold. And well, if they act on their problems, we have laws and places to isolate those who can’t control themselves.

I think you might find it helpful to think first of the people who are being harmed, and how to protect them, and after that we can worry about the people who are the problem. Yes, it’s good if someone finds redemption from their past, but that’s a journey they have to want to take, and while we should hope for the best when someone looks like they may be changing. It’s best to concentrate more on the people who just want to live their life in peace and how to help them get to that place.


Consequences meaning censorship. Nothing further or meaningful. All anyone has to do is click the little red X in the top-right corner of their screen and POOF all that power you think you have, is gone. They go about their lives like nothing happened.

I’d rather see ideas challenged, not censored. Makes me weary of the censorer that they are hiding something out of fear. That their ideas cannot withstand criticism.

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Ooooo, the imaginary right to force someone else to broadcast your views

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