Pelagos. Is Transgender

Or the saddest, uninteresting, personal story.


because the bigotry has been so thrilling

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To be quite frank, this sounds like one of those Tumblr fishing for sympathy threads. I was becoming sympathetic but with all the backpedaling and rewriting of their reasons for being intolerant. Iā€™m not sure how much of this is true.

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So I guess you could attribute to some of your unwillingness to not give phobes a chance because of your personal experience which is completely understandable. But you are aware that phobes have their own experiences that make them the way they are correct? People donā€™t hate others ā€œjust causeā€ and if they do they might fall under being mentally ill.

I know this will fall on deaf ears, but, Iā€™m not a bigot for calling out his BS.


Then they need therapy. But they wonā€™t get it because they donā€™t want to get better.

Yeah. You kinda are for all the hateful bile Iā€™ve seen you spewing in this thread.

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Such as?


Just back and forth one liners now, how sad. I thought we were going somewhere with this. Ah well. Goodnight my fellow wow players. I hope we all lay down our heads with the one universal truth in our minds.

That Epstein didnā€™t kill himself. :beers:

You know, the whole dismissing the problem of murders, and then trying to feign sympathy with a distraction about suicide rates while making it very clear that you were saying that was their problem, not a problem of the people pushing down on them causing the conditions that drive them to that. Among many other rays of sunshine

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It was inevitable. These topics always end into those.

So letā€™s say thereā€™s a person who doesnā€™t know that a word is a slur.

Someone else says, ā€œhey, thatā€™s a slur.ā€

A reasonable person will say, ā€œOh, I didnā€™t know that, Iā€™ll stop using it.ā€

A less-than reasonable person will argue but could be reasoned with.

An unreasonable person will start breying about ā€œSJWā€™s (sic)ā€


Calling peopleā€™s experiences fake is not cool. Even if you believe they arenā€™t true. Just donā€™t do it, itā€™s a bad look and it can and I believe his story may be true. Iā€™d be angry if someone tried to call something I experienced and traumatized me to ā€œBSā€.

Thatā€™s where people have to try and discuss with them, even if itā€™s just over online it helps. And I understand you not wanting to discuss with a phobe in public. If you think someone is a threat to your life. Do not discuss with them, I agree whole heartedly there. But people can change if they are shown the error of their ways.

Most are unwilling to see the error of their ways and are lost causes. The fox in this thread is a great example.

I guess thatā€™s where you and I simply disagree.

The problem with this, is the people youā€™re talking about who need the education, their problem is a ā€œThemā€ problem, not other peopleā€™s. That does not mean that if people who have a connection to them are able to try and change their opinion or explain whatā€™s up, that thatā€™s a bad thing. But itā€™s not right to place the burden of someone elseā€™s mistake on the person that is being hurt by that.

Thereā€™s another way to educate, and itā€™s worked before. And thatā€™s teaching people that something is no longer socially acceptable. It doesnā€™t mean vast oppression of the masses, just telling people that what theyā€™re doing isnā€™t good. Hopefully the people who donā€™t have the hate as a central part of their being will learn and let people be. And the ones that refuse to accept other people as part of society and lash out will find that there are proportional consequences.

22 and 91% are from the same community. He said repeatedly that half the country want to kill him for what he is. Heā€™s detracting real issues and making it about him. Itā€™s all for attention. I donā€™t find him interesting at all.

Thereā€™s not thing wrong with trans and itā€™s perfectly normal. But that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t call him out on his BS. Or that I think youā€™re kind of a jerk to others to the point that you make your side look bad.

Thatā€™s not what bigot means, but go ahead, you guys have been so full of it, why would you stop now? That word doesnā€™t bother me. Only that youā€™re applying it to everyone in this thread.


I donā€™t care how I look to you. You have made yourself more than clear as to what you are.

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What are the consequences?

Oh, Iā€™ve tried to be as clear as possible. Just know what the word means before you award it to me. Iā€™ll put it right next to the other dead labels.