Pelagos. Is Transgender

I don’t need no stinking religion. I have Bill and Ted.

If you change that hate balloon into a more tolerant person, who spreads tolerance to the rest of the balloons he hangs out with isn’t that a good idea? Won’t that gradually facilitate the change you’re after?

If instead they meet someone like you who is completely intolerant and has written them off as non-humans, then what do you think they’re likely to spread? You can pretend you aren’t helping to create the problem, but being intolerant does nothing but spread intolerance.

Unless your endgame is a war of extermination at some point we need to reconcile as a people. People can change, even hate filled balloons like you.

you act as if it’s not possible for people to move away from their parents belief systems.

I rejected my no problem. Are these people just weak?

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Because the person who doesn’t put up with bigoted nonsense is the REAL problem


I fear that this is actually what some want.

A way to get retribution.

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The only groups going on about exterminating others are not the ones who want people to get over the fact that transpeople exist.

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I disagree, it’s never as black and white as that in my opinion. There is a lot more build up than just some dude deciding he doesn’t like gay people. Everyone has a past. One that was learned by upbringing, their personal experience ect.

Everyone has certain flaws that make them different, everyone deals with different problems in their life. You may have been able to reject your parents belief systems. But others don’t have such an easy time. And more on this, do you really consider everything you don’t have an issue with but someone else does a “weak person”? I’m sure you have trouble with some things that others don’t. Does that make you weak? And you also need to realize that some people’s families are more controlling with their beliefs on their children.

We’re not suggesting he/she/they put up with anything. We’re suggesting that both sides need to come together, and that racism isn’t necessarily a disease. It can be cured through education, and oftentimes that tolerance is as simple as exposing people.

I live near San Francisco. LBGT is part of the fabric of life. People living in rural montana are much less likely to know or accept those ideas. They’re likely to be behind a few decades, but if they’re shown that to be the case they will often come around because they realize how outdated their ideas are.

The constant “screw half the country who identifies as the right” is a real problem, because it prevents us from coming together not just to solve this issue, but all issues. We are a nation and a people divided and that intolerance is killing us.


Fearing retribution suggests you have done something to warrant it.

Yeah. Made him like a day ago. Very excited.

That’s what the right wants. Extermination of LGBT people among others.

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People don’t really want to be educated if they did they would use Google and learn a few things.
You are right, there are plenty of people who just don’t care to change their view. I’m sure you don’t care to explain yourself to everyone either.

It’s the only real way to change minds though. Gotta be the change you wanna see in the world.

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I never said fearing retribution.

I don’t fear anyone, I have some friends who are quite the pyromancers and are clad in metal.

Not one of my republican friends is anti-LBGT. I live in California, and I know many. Some of them ARE LBGT.

“The Right” doesn’t want to exterminate you. The bigot in the white house, and a fringe movement of obvious racists, do.

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No one is forcing the other half of the country to be bad people.

It’s just not that black and white.

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It really is.

And why exactly do you believe that?

Because only one side supports human rights for all people.

You realize that bigot in the white house has done more for them? But they fail to realize if they kick him out, they have someone that will show them they are the REAL monster they accuse orangeman of being?

It’s quite a brilliant tactic, but unfortunate and terrifying.

Be the change you want to see. No on forces people to be bigots, but you CAN reach out and help them change, or at least admit that they can.

Plenty of people made mistakes in their youth. It’s probably a good thing there was no social media in the 60s, when the N word was popular and gay people were being hung.

Some of those people are ashamed of their actions. Some of them have recanted, and changed. Their children have changed, even if they haven’t. Don’t overlook injustice, but don’t go to war with people you don’t know.

Writing off 150,000,000 people as “the right” is how we get civil war 2.0.