Pelagos. Is Transgender

Trans people are protected from violence by the law. They always have been. Prejudice still happens of course as it will in imperfect human systems.

The supreme court just upheld a ruling the puts both these things under the protection of law as well.

If someoneā€™s upbringing is by people who claim lgbt people are demons and are evil people. They are going to believe that until they either have a good encounter with one of them, or someone else convinces them that they are wrong. Nobody is going to google something when they believe they are right. Itā€™s wrong, but itā€™s the way it is.

Religion is a dangerous thing, and has been the spark for many slaughters and wars.

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This is why religion is bad.

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Great. Doesnā€™t change the fear that we had to go through.

Nor the other ways trans people can be harmed.

Not even really sure why so many feel the need to be jerks about itā€¦ Just treat people well.

Well guess we should just go home then. No need to try to change anything.

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Iā€™m saying, those numbers, especially due to the circumstances, does not warrant the made up victimhood youā€™re trying to sell.

I donā€™t think you realize just how many people donā€™t care about your sexual kinks because itā€™s become so normalized in the mainstream.

Seriously, address the 41%. Thatā€™s the concerning and real number.

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Iā€™m asexual and aromantic.

So kinky.


This is the exact thing about it for me. The problem isnā€™t needing an elaborate backstoryā€¦ in their case itā€™s needing pretty much ANY backstory.

Shaw and Flynn have been in the same room literally once that I can remember in the whole of BfA (when breaking into Dazarā€™alor) and truly nothing was happening there. Shaw was irritated by him and Flynn was there, sure to help and probably there are a few honorable intentions under there, but really for gold, not Shaw. Flynn is being PAID by Cyrus to go help. If Flynnā€™s joking around was flirting it means he is flirting with literally everyone in the entire game at all times since thatā€™s his constant state of being.

Moreover in the quest where you go to Freehold with Flynn, the bartender clearly references a story about Flynn having the hots for some woman in the past. Obviously, Flynn could be bi and that would explain that, but it doesnā€™t change that his relationship with Shaw (until Blizzard decided to declare them gay lovers) was non-existant.

Thatā€™s lazy.

Again from Vaalrok: ā€œmaybe if I saw more interaction between the two of them. I know there were fans that shipped them previously, but fans ship anyone and everyone. Lol.ā€ ā€¦ EXACTLY. As someone who is a fan of well written yaoi, I also assure this thread that fans WILL pair up literally everyone and anyone for no reason at all. Fan fiction can do that and fan fiction is light fluff which has itā€™s place, but I expect better writing from professionals whose story Iā€™m paying to read.

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You donā€™t understand what Iā€™m trying to say, if you treat one of those people like a piece of trash because of their flawed beliefs. Their beliefs are going to be reinforced. This is why trying to educate and be kind even if the other person is trying to be inflammatory is a good thing. If you donā€™t want to educate someone and you just want to call them a bad person then why are you wasting the time and effort. (Not referring to you specifically)

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So is atheism. Even that is deadly and dangerous should it exempt morals. But usually destructive to the individual.

How about no.

I guess they love Nickel and wear Nickel plated armour.

This is a broad assumption. Like every other organization that uses human capital its vice or virtue comes in how it is used.

Iā€™m not telling you itā€™s fair or right. Nothing in life is. Fairness is and ideal we strive for but rarely ever achieve.

Take solace in the fact that you live in a time/place where you have more opportunity and protections under law than ever before and do the best you can with it so that those that come after you will have it better.


Look, if people have the ability and the energy to educate thatā€™s great. I think itā€™d be even better if some people took a good faith effort to search for answers to their questions before demanding of people to know why other peopleā€™s lives have actual worth. But inflammatory no.

One of the way the twerps try to harm people is by emotionally wearing them down by repeated false claims of genuine questions. Usually asking really basic questions that take a lot of explaining, and then just keep at it like no one ever answered them.

When it comes to peopleā€™s lives and rights, I donā€™t think itā€™s a good thing to include the people who want to destroy those things in the discussions of how to handle and protect them.

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Well least I tried, Iā€™m just saying you claim to dislike the hatred of others but you are unwilling to have a conversation and specifically ask why that person hates an entire group of people for existing. It is a proper gateway for an actual conversation, but I guess it cannot be helped if you yourself hate the other side as well which in that case I feel pity for you.

I disagree, people develop natural in todayā€™s society without religion via empathy. If someone cannot empathize with the others then there may be some deeper problem with that person that doesnā€™t just involve morals. In days when society wasnā€™t asā€¦advanced I would agree though religion was very helpful with morals but at the same time a detriment due to wars and conflict over religion. It was and still is a double edged sword.

For most people their views are often set. Unless they choose to listen there is often little you can do. They have to reach out and try to learn.

Again, which is why I implore anyone who hasnā€™t familiarized themselves with the topic to seek out scholarly sources to learn.

And further, if someone is going to call me a deviant or unmoral, just because of how I am? Iā€™m not going to sit there and just take that. Itā€™s not my job to make sure others are kind to people.

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Idk, Iā€™ve seen atheism cause so much destruction and corruption of ones heart that not even Sora could fix it.

To be honest, the purest and kindest hearts Iā€™ve ever met were those who did not tell anybody their religious beliefs and only saw you for your attitude and overall mentality.

There is no need for conversation as to why someone is a sentient hate balloon. Theyā€™re just a crappy person


While the fox is just coming from the stupidly wrong direction, I think thereā€™s a grain of truth to be had.

There are bad and dangerous people involved in every group. Some of them are bad, but sincere in their attachment to the group, others just see it as a way to get something they want. And some of these people will try and seek power in those groups, and they can destroy those groups. So always be aware of that, or you may end up finding that a group you belong to has been destroyed because no one wanted to take a hard look at the actions of some of their fellow members.

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I understand that point of view, perfectly. And that is when I say the best solution is to walk away. Engaging in conflict is never a good thing.

Our society is not perfect, it has its flaws. Hatred is one of its flaws. People hate what they were taught to consider evil or unmoral or deviant as you put it. The only way to repair that damage is to have a fair middle ground even if its hard to swallow. It is everyoneā€™s job to at least attempt to spread kindness in my opinion.