Pelagos. Is Transgender

Too late for a few of us unfortunately.

Possibly. So is walking into a BLM protest with a trump flag. You must judge the situations in your life as they come to you and know when it is appropriate to broach a subject.

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Rare to see wisdom like that around here. Impressive.

When it has legislation or a threat of violence behind it, it is. What exactly is “being treated like human beings” anyway? We are hateful, violent creatures and have treated each other in awful ways as long as we have been around.

The truth is it’s not my job to educate people.

I try to keep it civil and productive. :grin:

We’re a herd animal. We thrived because we could work together to overcome the weaknesses we have as individuals. Take that excuse and shove it.

really holding out for a moderator here

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I’d give you a like but I’m out.

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22 in the US and 91% of them were in the black community.

Hundreds out of almost 8 billion people. Probably the same circumstances too and mostly 3rd-world countries.

It’s unfortunate, but doesn’t validate the victimhood you’re selling.

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Threads like these while good intentions only invite hellfire.

“The road to heck is paved with good intentions”.

Transgender people make up what portion of the population now?

Does a small population make it okay or something?

well at least almost all of us can agree on something, we desperately need the mods to wake up.

If you want people to change their minds, it is. It is an obligation we all have to one another. It’s how we grow as people. Not just in the trans aspect of yourself but we educate others about who we are every time we talk. Thus the strength of character comment.

In the US its normally being treated equally in the law and having protections from abuse and misconduct.

Murdering a person isn’t allowed for instance.
However discrimination against a trans person is quite common and sometimes very barely protected.

My husband could have been fired over it in the state we used to live in. Or refused Healthcare in some instances.

No it’s really not.

People don’t really want to be educated if they did they would use Google and learn a few things.

It’s unfortunate, I blame that troll Ralph for this. His blatant provokes by using this topic and gaslighting people with it has probably made this topic a volatile subject.

Op made this out of positive influence.

So if enough flags show up. Maybe a mod will take notice.

It should be everyone’s desire to be properly educated on these things. Most people just go with their gut.

I implore anyone who hasn’t yet to actually read up on the latest science and information on these topics.

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I know you’re not use to hearing ideas that are different than yours, but Blizzard brought this one. I hope those corporate political points were worth it.

I for one, enjoy these discussions. I learn a lot. Just not what you think I’m learning.