Pelagos. Is Transgender

No one who supports Trump has a heart.

Why don’t you just run off to whatever bog you crawled out of?

Ah I thought that last was at me. My mistake.

Big disagree, everyone has a skewed/different perception and reasoning. Whether it be upbringing, not wanting to vote for a dude with dementia or simply because your brainwashed by the news. It’s never black and white like that.


Aw, did I break another narrative?

you’ve done nothing to make me question anything about you :slight_smile:

What about Trump?

He’s old and senile and not really a good choice either, but compared to a dude with actual dementia he’s a bit better in that regard. However, I still don’t like him. I think of this election just like I thought of the 2016 election both candidates are udder garbage.

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I in no way implied that. That’s 100% coming from your bias. I acknowledged both the trans struggle, and the need for further change in our society. But, predictably, you ignored everything and found a way to be offended.

Injustices happen, but society is improving, and how dare you pretend we’re still living in 1950s America. The LBGT community has fought for decades for equality, and continues to fight, and as a direct result of their heroic efforts things are far, far better than when I was a child.

You make many assumptions about who you are speaking to, and who might be a part of our lives. Be offended if you wish. Respond to compassion with anger and hostility. I marched back when people were getting beaten up in alleys in my city. We changed that, and you cannot rob us of the progress we’ve made.

Hundreds a year world wide.



The list goes on.

I hate to link Wikipedia but it’s got a nice list.

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The magical thinking is that a world without hatred and bigotry can exist. We have found reasons to hate and kill one another since we have existed on this planet.

As you are one of a small population of people your cross is a bigger one to bare no doubt but all the more reason to exert yourself in the world to remove misconceptions about yourself.

There are people in this world that aren’t going to like you and will use you being trans to hate you. They will use other reasons to hate other people. It’s a sad fact of who we are as human beings.

I’m well aware I was open about Pence, who is unfortunately known for his hate towards trans but it’s in my nature to question everything, even hatred, as to what its origin is. I’ve seen many times when hate would’ve never happened if it wasn’t for a loud minority who don’t truly represent who they claim to be.

In short, I never take anything at face value. That unfortunately gets me a lot of hate aimed at me.

I don’t know if this was on purpose, but well done on the Tauren pun.


Right, nothing can be perfect. Let’s all pack it in and stop trying to improve things at all.

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You don’t solve oppressive behavior with oppressive behavior.

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This thread is a great example of why it’s healthy to take breaks from the forums. Also, don’t get yourselves banned.

This is a great way for me to get myself killed.

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This entire post is horrendous.


These forums really don’t allow for a proper response to it.


Asking to be treated like human beings isn’t oppressive.