Pelagos. Is Transgender

Many people fear and reject what they don’t understand. Many will think poorly of you in life regardless of what gender you choose to live as. Hate speech laws would not change their mind at all nor will jailing them. Both of these things will have the opposite of their intended effect regardless of good intent.

Show people your strength of character and explain to those willing to listen what you think they lack in understanding you. Some will accept you and some will not. Such is life.

The morals are the same.

Pretty ok with mine.

You knowingly and willingly condone people who do therefore you do.

If you don’t believe people hate transgender people then why are so many of you upset that I actually have someone to represent me?

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not okay with me.
I stand by anyone who says trans is okay but so many bad faith arguments have been made

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This is unrealistic magical thinking. It literally doesn’t work that way.

People like the ones in this thread don’t care about my strength of character. They hate me because I exist.


are you trans?

It happens a couple dozen times each year.

Plus many more end their own lives from all the abuse we take from people like you.

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Because that someone is not your friend, they are preying upon your fears and using them to turn you into their personal weapon or to benefit off you in some way.

I’ve been down that road and it nearly destroyed my very being and self identity.

But it seems you’ve made your choice and all I can do is hope that you’ll find light to help protect you.


I pop in and out.
Cant expect me to see everything lol

I hope and pray someday you’ll become a better person.


I already am to many many people I call friends, some who ARE transgenders.

That’s like a bingo card box right there.


What did I say that you didn’t like? Just curious.

ah the age old “I’m not racist I have black friends” except trans edition.


Not really? I just don’t see knives in every corner. I used to be like that but it was only destroying my heart like a heartless would.

I meant it as a general thing not on a personal level
This current argument about trans friends is a great example

Be wary that edge doesn’t end up damaging you there.

Oh, then you should have dozens per year of examples to share.