Pelagos. Is Transgender

Imagine thinking people who are against fascism are bad.



Because it’s not excessive. A totally fabricated lie pushed on the back of a tragedy.

If you looked at the hard numbers you’d realize that. Please stop watching MSM. They’re lying to you.


I disagree. Being civil in discussion and treatment of others is paramount. We can agree to disagree and still live happy lives along side one another.

If we use laws to suppress thought, shame and mock people then we would become the intolerant monsters we seek to destroy in the first place.


Another one who gets his news from Facebook.

You really don’t even know the amount of Furries who would actually agree with you on your opinions.

But go ahead, turn your own allies into enemies simply for a fandom.

I was on that thread.
Put that with the 2 eu locked threads about this my position might make more sense as to why I hate all lol

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I haven’t had a facebook account in about 10 years.

Watching the MSM is a bigger indicator of stupidity as far as I’m concerned.

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This is untrue.

We make the world a better place and save lives.

Tread lightly there, don’t even mention the dreaded “P” word here, you will get banned. Even I avoid that territory like the plague.

Have any proof that that’s BLM’s fault? I mean, it’s not like right wing groups haven’t been arrested trying to start stuff here. And really, our biggest terrorism problem is right wing groups that actually kill people.

How’s the parade polish taste?


This is the fake civility of calm tones, where someone espousing genocide is civil because they used a level speaking voice and academic terms and the person who would be the target is uncivil for raising their voice. We cannot agree to disagree on giving everyone the right to live their life in peace.


It’s more of data from scientific studies and statistics from crime databases .


Care to elaborate? Suppressing, mocking and shaming people doesn’t save anyone’s life and doesn’t make the world a better place at all. It leads to bitterness and division.


Regardless, if you do the actual research and understand that you’ll understand it’s not excessive.

People have a profit motive for lying to you. Wake up.

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“Antifa” isn’t an organisation :man_shrugging:

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Its a vague group.
Its as much their fault as it isn’t.

You cant have one without the other

They’re terrorists, you’re right. Not an organization

black lives matter have terrorists in their ranks but they still are mostly good

Antifa are just terrorists

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You have more valor and honor than most. Are you sure you don’t want to join the Horde? I’m sure we can convince one of the leaders to let you join.

How many Re:s were in front of that info.

you had too many letters there

If you think someones views are wrong and that they must be made to think a certain way or they will be harassed then how can they have

Your logic is faulty here.

Who has done this?