Pelagos. Is Transgender

And how am I horrible exactly. Please do explain

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Glad we can agree.

Maybe stop getting your news from Facebook and stop believing conspiracy theories and you can get better.

Teron Gorefiend is transrace and transfaction.

all of you.
Youre all being stupid.
Look at your comments as tell me you make sense


this thread is proof enough that americans are pretty weird and crazy and kinda dumb. Myself included.


All the problems in the world lead to trump.

Yesterday I stepped on a lego, and I’m 99% sure it was trump trying to build the wall in my living room.


Calm down there fella, we are just having a civil discussion.

Why are you using right-wing arguments and namecalling? It’s confusing.

Asking for a friend

There comes a point where education and reason cannot reach people. It is then that legislative force, mocking, and shaming need to be employed.

People like that bigot fox are irredeemable. He will not change. He likes being a sentient hate machine.

Well, I mean there’s the whole pretending that the party doing more to try and right the wrongs of the past, and which actually contains the people who fought and bled for those rights are still the party of racism after the well documented effort to peel away the more racist members of that party starting around Nixon to join the party that is now digging its heels in to harm as many minority populations as possible.

That’s a start

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If only… :frowning:

I expect this thread to get closed or locked eventually, the decent into madness is only downhill.

So you thinking that I’m wrong makes me a horrible person? Nice. You heard it hear folks people on the left believe that being wrong makes you a bad person.

I’m an eu member and I watched 2 threads on this topic get locked today.
One wasn’t as bad as this

Please tell me more of the civility of labeling a movement about stopping excessive police violence a terrorist organizations

You really shouldn’t brag about doing that.


I know, you are the very definition of it…

This is why people dislike furries.

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I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you.


there are literally members burning down buildings, killing people, and trashing businesses.

Its not all at all and equality is an admirable aspiration but we need to be aware as to whats being done under its name


To be fair, one of those is a Ralph thread, he’s a known gaslighter who only makes threads to provoke.