Pelagos. Is Transgender

“Hey Cassie how was your day?”

“Pretty good, me and the wife went and got icecream.”

LGBT folks will change the gender of their SO or stories if they don’t trust you. It doesn’t take a life story, or asking them their sexuality. If you aren’t giving off bigoted vibes they will out themselves to you.

The issue is you.


Um, if they are friends I would already know them lol. Once again, their sexual orientation has literally nothing to do with playing a game with them. If I didn’t know them, it still wouldn’t matter. You are injecting a real life situation for a digital space and it just doesn’t make any sense lol.


Lmao anyone who has been in any guild or group knows that sooner or later you learn of other people’s sexuality/partner since there are always random comments about it.

So that person either never was in any guild for more than a few weeks or it is in those incel “attack anything lgbt” related comments groups where toxicity and edgyness is the norm.
SO of course people there wouldnt be talking about their sexuality.

Yeah, I make sure to emphasize that I’m a straight male with every group I play with.

Lol wut?


Why would people care? Does it stop you from progressing?

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im fine with it coming up naturally in convo, but if im in a group and suddenly out of the blue one of the members says “Im bi”, then no. Like thats the same with randomly coming up saying “im straight”, there is no point. Randomly bring it up is what gets me, it should just come up naturally if anything and not forced.


You literally do not get the point. It’s that if you never find any around it’s you. No normal person advertises their sexuality, but if you never figure it out that’s not normal either.
It means they feel the need to hide it from you.

Also, injecting sexuality into a game? Didn’t i have to read straight necro fanfic because Danuser?
We play with other humans not AI.


Again, why would they need to tell me at all? It has no bearing on the game, literally none. It’s like you keep glossing over that fact. I honestly don’t care what someone’s sexuality is when I’m playing a game, at all, and no one else should care either. If you need to know who someone sleeps with in order to play WoW, you should probably seek help.

So you are constantly talking about your sexuality with random people that you group up with? Oof, yeah, you need help.


nobody does what you said though, you almost always learn of people’s sexuality by comments related to IRL like brb husband wife is here, husband making dinner, cant be on for long plans with hubby etc

IF you arent in an incel guild sooner or later people will say things like these not due to deep conversation but simply because of circumstances, of course is can also be seen if people are talking about relationships.

But if the guild is a cesspool chan guild then yeah, I wouldnt be surprised if everyone hides their sexuality.

If it’s a cesspool guild, why are they in the guild to start with?


Yeah yeah yeah… Hey so… I’m sure if I were to play on the chinese version of WoW That Pelagos would still be trans right? Since Blizzard is such a moral and ethical company all full of virtue

Right? Right??? Surely blizzard isn’t just virtue signaling because its good for business here while being all for chinese censorship when it comes to selling games over seas? Right???


that is what i mean naturally, instead of me joining and the first thing you say to me is “im gay/bi/trans” then I will be already put off. I would rather it come up like “hey going to dinner with hubby” or something like that and I have learned a lot about people just from that and I am fine with that.

My problem if the first thing you do when you meet new people is say your sexuality, then the problem is you.


I honestly never seen someone ever get into a guild or a group and announce they are gay unless it is some formal introductory post

Yet it is almost always seen in argument format where people use it as a hypothetical scenario which I dont feel is great because it doesnt rly happen

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Actually I was the one that implied that, not the other guy.

Where did I ever state anything like this?

I have seen it happen like once my entire wow time. But people seem to think thats how it should be sometimes, like if someone doesn’t discuss there sexuality then they most be straight or something. Reason I am glad about the guy in SL, he has a reason for it and it makes sense.

Yeah that sound extremely extremely rare then, yet people keep using it very often as some genuine argument.

Keyword here is “think”, because I can only assume it benefits them to believe there’s some crazy LGBT people jumping in groups an announcing they are gay which is the only way they can justify they disdain for us.

It is the whole thing of having no idea about how LGBT+ people work but listen to the caricature examples of LGBT people that certain anti lgbt groups love to share, aka very false perception of reality.


I have seen multiple people ask for more characters in wow to out themselves randomly, which i disagree with. Like wrathion could be gay or straight and it wouldn’t change how i see him (a freaking cool dragon), or jaina could be bi for all i know and it wouldn’t change my opinion of her.

Some people think that sexuality makes or breaks a character when it doesn’t. It only does if it is forced or done in a way that makes no sense or breaks lore. Its the same with people to me. If you told me you were gay right now or bi or anything i would see you as the same person, unless you forced it into a convo randomly and out of the blue.

That is my only problem with the LGBT stuff sometimes. Most times I get along with them.


with how many new things get invented on the daily it would take a decade to fill up new expansions with this crap.


Representation in a made up world in a video game that features mostly non-human characters is very important.


Is this just to highlight what is already common knowledge?

What’s the point of the thread? We all know. The game isn’t out yet. If you want to normalize these things, then act like it’s normal?