Pelagos. Is Transgender

Fair Enough. :+1:

Still waiting for Beta myself, mainly to try out the customization options. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah, i don’t know what that means, i haven’t been keeping up to date aside form the customization options admittedly. :confused:

I understand your position, and i think that you are right. But at the same time people needs to feel identified by characters on a story.

I am not saying that is imposible for lgbt or black people for example feel identified with heteronormative characters or white characters.

I am saying that they need to have some examples of good characters and heroic ones to aspire too, and look up to.

We all admire and like characters even if they are not real, or to others arent as important, abd that feels good, i only want that those feelings spread to more people and they feel good about being themselves.


I’d like beta to test out how shaman feels because the enh changes have me all sorts of curious.
I’m so used to the legion ‘model’ that a throwback to older times has me equal parts excited and worried.

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I mean, are they getting married? I really don’t think it’s crazy to be honest. I appreciate you being open to them being gay(or bi, because I do think people are bi) but this relationship was predicted from the scenes in BFA. It really isn’t out of left field and it’s just starting to be “FB official”

Oh lord, they’re still using the legion model of classes?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I get it’s a formula that works, but it comes the cost of making so many of the classes feel the gosh dang same from each other. Like a Frost DK feels like a Fury Warrior.

I was referring to the faster-paced combat introduced on Legion that was watered down a little bit for BFA.

There’s a reason that by Antorus I was calling Enh the carpel tunnel syndrome simulator.


I think the best thing they can do for Mathias and Flynn is throw in a little more build up and show them dating casually for awhile before making them “official”.

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Oh, my mistake.

As much the GCD change didn’t bother me much since i learned to adapt to it, i am however glad they are bringing it back, cause it did felt slow and cumbersome for me at times.

Yeah, in the periods where you were proc-deprived it felt like unbridled hell.

And then you hit the part where rng was on sugar and you were begging for a pause in the procs.

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Do they show characters dating though? I feel like if they did that this would be “Why are they shoving this forced storyline down my throat” still. It feels very difficult to please the anti crowd tbh

No one cares
 Like I thought that was the point being all the alphabet stuff
 Ya just wanted to be on even ground. Ok you are there quit overplaying the hand already


Blizz obviously does since they wanted to put it in their game. :snowflake:

Its not my job to educate you on this topic but you are so far off I hope something inspires you to actually research what you are struggling to grasp.


True, this is world of warcraft and not world of relationshipcraft
 Malfurion and Tyrande have been together for 10,000 years and we’ve never seen them go on a date.

Thalyssra and Lorthemar did get their own story and I think that helped a bit. We will see what is in store for Flynn and Shaw.


basically every covenant has 3 NPC each with skill line that gives you bonuses.

Oh. So pretty much like an NPC version of those Artifact stands in legion that show your talent tree once you clicked on them. Neato.

yeah, pretty much. Also with “conduits” - items that you put in slots you unlock in that skill line. They are item drops and destryoed upon use, so if you want to change them you gonna farm new ones.

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Oh, glad to see Blizzard bring “farming AP for one artifact thing and if you need to use the other, farm it all over again” thing back. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was seriously hoping we would be past the “click on the AP that was dropped” and into “automatically use it upon getting it”, then again, i guess this does allow us to freely farm AP from just simply screwing around like we did in legion, so
 silver lining. :man_shrugging:

I swear if I’m doing the quests and they’re even some what related to their gender identity I’m going to be triggered

A) you’re dead
B) the after life is under threat and now is a good time to work this out /slap


Yeah but I already know those people and even then, why would their sexual orientation matter if I wanted to play a game with them? This also shouldn’t matter for random people either lol.