Pelagos. Is Transgender

yay, let us all celebrate and rejoice at the fact that they added something just to attempt to shut people up.

imagine, being that obsessed with something. i don’t care what you do with your life, including end it but enough seriously.

my oldest daughter has a friend that is never allowed back here because the damn girl wouldnt shut up about being pan…every damn discussion even if it was about dinner had something to do with pride and pan and gay etc, the sad part no shes none of those things…its an attention seeking annoyance and a mental issue. in the name of all that is holy and not, please…please…stop bugging us with this crap


It stems from a lack of self worth or lack of a feeling of accomplishment. These people haven’t had to overcome obstacles in their life and they feel the need to create them to justify their worth in the world.

So even when no injustice or racism exists, they create it so that they have a cause or purpose.


Sorry mate, but the house of reps is kinda controlled by libs due to some liberal states being the largest and most populated. The senate was actually fair. If anything the dems were “cheating” But you guys continue ignoring facts I guess.

I like that the concern troll isn’t even trying to hide the racism now

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I liked you for your first 5 words

They’re going to have a hard time when their bubble one day gets popped by those who’ve had enough.


Pretty bold and baseless assumption there fam

The rightist snowflakes are having a hard time with the fact that society is progressing so far it’s popping their little bubble.

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Don’t pop bubbles that surround thorns.

Don’t live in a bubble of bigotry and no one will accidentally pop it when they get fed up with it.


Why is it that we can’t have one LGBT thread without it being politically hijacked? Representation is great and shouldn’t be political at all. People who are making it political by being offended by it shame on you. But those aren’t the only guilty people in these threads. It’s been completely hijacked by politics which means the other side also is somewhat guilty. I’ll admit that. So can someone tell me why we can’t have a non-political LGBT thread? Just stop it. It’s not fun for anyone. Hopefully blizzard locks this thread soon, it’s clear people can’t help themselves and need to bring politics into everything. The original OP has been twisted by derailing that happens in Every. Single. One. of these threads. And it’s a shame.

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I guess you’re not a horticulturist.

Because the rightist snowflakes are triggered.

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progressing? what do you think we are progressing towards?

arguments rather than discussion, riots, crime, lying to ourselves and other, hatred, malice and attention seeking. yeah big progressions

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Well yeah, the people opposed to progress have been acting pretty abhorrently for years.

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I’m not just like you are not a decent person.

I mean, the rightists could just stay in their own lane instead of turning into a bunch of tantruming triggered snowflakes at the first sight of an LGBT or brown person.

God forbid an actual transgender person might appreciate representation.

Their feefees are so hurt just by people who aren’t like them existing.


My point proven, calling others horrible because they don’t agree with you. Thanks.



Calling you horrible because your actions here have shown you to be.

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It only applies to those that exhibit it.

People, all people are usually resistant to change (particularly americans), see the mask wars going on right now. Societal progress is an objective view.