Pelagos. Is Transgender

because Clinton got all upset about it and not for any other reason.
There is a good reason she lost to a total tool

She didnt lose. 3 million more votes is not losing.

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so basically hand anything the bigoted do over to them?

yet she still lost

Cheating is not a loss.

I’m going to trust the Anti-Defamation League over some rando of questionable authority and suspicious motive on an internet forum.

When I was in English class in grade school, I was taught about the existence of dead words, words that once had meaning but were used so much that virtually mean little to nothing.

I forsee some of the words commonly used here to suffer that same fate. Which is sad for it truly happens, nobody will bat an eye.

Nope. Just don’t let them get away from the fact that they thought they were being all secret society cool and tricking everyone with their playground club stuff.

no one cheated.
The states are 50 countries made into one.
There are going to be disagreements

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Oh boy
 heeeeeeeeeere we go

Aren’t you missing an appointment with an appropriately pure pony in your bunk?

Transgender, more than meets the eye!

Some people don’t grasp the electoral college.


Was your teacher a t-rex?

Voter suppression can be considered cheating. Plus the whole thing he got impeached for.

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3 million throw away votes because she is garbage at campaigning.

Important part of that to remember:
“However, because so many Pepe the Frog memes are not bigoted in nature, it is important to examine use of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist. However, if the meme itself is racist or anti-Semitic in nature, or if it appears in a context containing bigoted or offensive language or symbols, then it may have been used for hateful purposes.”

its a strange concept as the states shouldn’t exist. It really is different countries saying they’re one while not acting like it.

There is a reason why certain states decide the election

What the hell does that mean? You do you but i’m not getting in your bunk with a pony bro. Inappropriate.