Pelagos. Is Transgender

I’d roll my eyes but I don’t have any.


I mean Trump himself said Pence “wants to hang you people” in an interview

It’s not really biased when it’s right out of the horses mouth

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There’s a reason why he’s like that. He’s a product of those who hate him. Literally.

He’s not a victim.

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I don’t judge for the reasons. I judge their actions.

That actually makes alot more sense.

Well, all he’s done was voice his opinions, that’s not an action, but knowing the left of today, who have gone absolutely off the deep end. Anyone who even shows disagreement is branded the world famous dictator.

You’re projecting hard.

I don’t care?

So you’re saying he’s a bigot because people hate him for being a bigot? That’s… certainly an interesting take.


This is what happens when people get their news from failsbook.

Most chaotic people filled with hatred usually have a reason for it to exist, most reasons are based out of some indoctrination growing up by their parents, but there are some based on horrible experiences or memories brought upon them by those they blame for that hate they harbour.

They are not born bad people. They choose to be.

Slaanesh approves. How many times must I type it? The appetite of the Prince of Pleasure knows no bounds, you all serve him/her/it.

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He spoke at a church that gave a homophobic sermon.

He attempted to rebrand antigay bigotry as “religious liberty”

He supported a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality.

He signed a bill to jail same sex couples for applying for a marriage license

He wanted to divert funding from HIV preventing to conversion therapy

Opposed a repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell

Complained about the passage of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill

Served on the board of an antigay group

That’s more than “just voicing opinions”

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Does anyone even care what SJWs think anymore ? They’ve overplayed their hand.


But he’s so abused. We should totally be empathic towards him instead of the people he harms. :roll_eyes:

I don’t know his past, I don’t know why he’s like that, but I’m not going to become the very monster I accuse him of being but rather pity he has that mentality.

No one cares what bigots think, go away.

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You just claimed MULTIPLE times that it’s OUR fault he’s like this

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