Pelagos. Is Transgender

I am not talking about that character specifically. I honestly don’t know anything about the character other than she/he is transgender.

I am just saying in general. Don’t make it a big deal, or pick random characters (Mathias and Flynn felt a little random to me, but maybe not to others) because that seems insulting to gay people, in my opinion.

Read Brimstone Angel’s (or buy it on Audible!). It is an amazing book series about a DnD Warlock. One of the MAIN characters is gay and he is amazing. Him being gay was part of his backstory, but he is more than just “a gay guy”. It is part of him, but it does not define him.


Ah Mathias and Flynn was sort of out of the blue for me too. But then again so are some of the couples that appear in my day to day life… I do think more context and actual flirting rather than a short scenario would have done those two better justice.

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I’m gay. Not insulted at all by it. People form relationships without having an elaborate backstory

Yeah, maybe if I saw more interaction between the two of them. I know there were fans that shipped them previously, but fans ship anyone and everyone. Lol.

I personally didn’t think either one of them were gay up until Blizzard specifically stated it so. But I am not going to fight about them about it.

My wife and I bought the most recent book on Audible. I hope they make their interactions in the book really fun and charming. =)


I am not saying they need an elaborate backstory. I am saying don’t just pick random characters just because they are names that we know. “Thrall and Saurfang were secret lovers all along!”. Stuff like that just seems lazy to me.

Or like the Anduin and Wrathion ship. Anduin has already been stated to be interested in females.

Now what would be really fun to me, would be to make Wrathion gay. And he tries to woo over Anduin and turn him gay, even though Anduin denies his advances. Like Freddie Mercury.

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I think that they make a big deal of it, it’s because those communities needs representation.

Anounncing that some npc were gay, or will be, it’s a big deal. Because it’s a step on a rigth direction.

We came a long way from vanilla when lgbt characters were coded or hid away in some dark book that only the lore nerds speculated that was lgbt.

Now we can make and improve the world building aspects in the game, making and seeing how each race sees different types of sexuality. Maybe not in depth but its someting


LOL, no. And also, no one cares.

Grats on someone getting “representation”. Most people couldn’t care less, RP to your heart’s content like you always could.


But that is the point. Anyone can be bisexual/gay/etc. Does Shaw have an extensive history of having previous female loves and this is actually out of the blue? Or are people upset that the quarterback came out as gay/bi?


I disagree. If you subtlety make a gay character and treat it as normal, no big announcements or spotlights on them, then it is up to the community to make a big deal about it. The community then gets to cheer about it or accept it as part of common day life.

The moment you stop saying “there is Dave. He is gay” or “That is Frank. He is a black guy”, and instead are able to just say " That is Dave and Frank" is when everything has become normalized.


News. Is old.

He’s not wrong either.

You reckon they’ll preach this stuff to China?


You need to know someones sexual orientation and lifestory to play a game with them? Honestly, I think this says more about you then anything lol.


Should have supported it in one of the threads already up. Coulda gone with Ralph’s.

Pelagos is more than transgender. In the SL he is actually a man. IRL we still don’t have the tech to allow men to become women and have babies.


Cool. :+1:

So what kind of role he will play in Shadowlands exactly?

He’s one of the Bastion soulbinds, I believe.

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Most people aren’t actually bi. There were lots of claims that they are, but not really. They are out there, of course. But the percentage of legitimately bi people, willing to spend years with either gender in a relationship, is definitely low.

I think a lot of people saw Mathias as the old rough and gruff war guy. Ex wife. Three kids that he doesn’t have a relationship with. War vet type of guy.

Like I said, I personally don’t have a problem with Mathias or Flynn being gay, it just seemed a little lazy to grab those two characters just because they were there.

Ahh. So i’m going to hazard to guess that whenever i do world quests for Bastion, he will pop up more often and probably have a unique questline to get me more power/rewards?

Not a clue. I don’t have beta access and have been keeping myself away from anything outside of the zone aesthetics and maybe the dungeons.


he’s one of skill-lines for bastion.

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