Pelagos. Is Transgender

He is no longer transgender because he has a male body in SL .You can call him a male now

iā€™m not complaining about the character, just the logic behind it given the internal logic of the warcraft universe.

i was responding to a whole different topic brought up by another.

TIL: Being a good person and staying in my own lane makes me a fascist, and being a transphobic anthropomorphic dumpster fire makes one a champion of the free world! :us:


I dunno, hating gay people is one of the most fascist like things but you do you.


Who defines this ā€œhate speechā€? What are these human rights?

Nothing is stopping you from enlisting in the Marines. In fact, all that fighting over being allowed to serve openly, still no lines. What was the point?

You canā€™t call everyone who shows anything less than total agreement hateful/bigot/phobe and then complain when you are also labeled.

Letā€™s be clear. Every one of your posts seems to begin with the supposition that this thread is full of people who hate the LBGT community.

When you espouse intolerance, and embrace tactics used by fascists, then there will be pushback. You donā€™t get to assign other people imagined positions, and then judge them for things they never said or did.

Literally no one has said anything hateful here. The closest we can get is people not wanting sexuality in games, and the misguided claims that trans people have a choice. Thatā€™s ignorance, not hatred.

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apathy and hate are two different things.

but i donā€™t really intend to ever try to stop someone from expressing their own hate, apathy, or love.

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This thread needs locked, thereā€™s been enough of them lately and Iā€™m honestly sick of seeing them.

So, I see a few people have brought this up, and not to pick on you particularly, but whatā€™s the point of saying this?

This is a character that apparently speaks to an issue a lot of people deal with, and yes, thereā€™s some mystic stuff involved, but why go pedantic on it if people are identifying with that character?

No. See, what Fezzy did was ATTACK intolerance, which tends to land you more on the fight against actual fascism and not this whole ā€œHolding me accountable for my words and actions is fascism!ā€ nonsense.


Actually we were banned from serving in the military a few years back.

Then just recently they removed advice that tells doctors they canā€™t discriminate against me, this was made during pride monthā€¦


ā€œHe is a transgenderā€ - No he is not anymore

Iā€™m going to be a tax-exempt activist organization against sadness. Maybe even another feeling, once we get funded.

So did you enlist in the Marines or not?

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Because it is wrong , when you say something wrong and never correct it . You will always be wrong. It is irrelevant based on the topic

He *was a transgender not is .

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No No No. I mean today. Did you go out and enlist?

Weā€™re still banned from serving in the military.


But are you sure that youā€™re actually right? I mean, isnā€™t part of the deal that in the limit of blue humans apparently that group gets to choose to be what they wish to appear as?

When the president abolishes a law not allowing doctors to refuse treatment for the audacity of not being straight.