Pelagos. Is Transgender

Labeling anyone who asks questions as a bigot is the most fascist thing you can do. Listen to your language. It’s very deliberate. Assigning people positions, and assuming things they never said, like that they hate the LBGT community sets up a wonderful straw man.

There’s your side, and the evil people. Fascism.

If someone here had said they hate trans people, or think they should be avoided, or that they are immoral for existing, then you’d have a leg to stand on.

Am I wrong? I could be. Did I miss a comment someone made that you feel is especially hateful?

We change people through tolerance and communication. There is nothing tolerant about the way you communicate. If someone is ignorant or misguided they should be reasoned with, not labeled an ist or a phobe and written off.

That’s what fascists do.


The writers don’t do class design

Not true at all. What pisses me off the most, is that you made me look it up to make sure.
Go enlist. Now. No Air Force either, that doesn’t count.


Yes based on Blizzard writing style . They made up the fake character, they gave the dialogue to it . Through magic of story telling they corrected the gender .

There is no real way for changing the biology of a being irl no matter how many operations you under go you will still be bilogical the opposite gender and youwill always be a trans .

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Fascists worm themselves into society trying to sound reasonable. They want to get you to accept the polite face of their movement of hate, pretending to be reasonable by describing their desires in academic and calm sounding language so that maybe they can fool people into thinking that their targets are the unreasonable ones for reacting with emotion to coldly worded discussion of varying degrees of attacks on a group.

And if you let the reasonable ones in the door, before you know it, they’ve brought their unreasonable friends along and well, then you have a fight for a free society where people might be allowed to live in peace despite being different.

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Current U.S. Department of Defense regulations bar transgender persons from military service. In July 2015, the Pentagon announced the military will work on a policy that allows transgender soldiers to serve openly.

For decades, transgender men and women have been barred from openly serving in the military, despite the fact that recent studies show that about one-fifth of all transgender adults are veterans, making transgender people approximately twice as likely as others to serve in the military.

Stop being wrong.


Aww thank you Avarie.

Sorry for a bit of a delay. I was changing my fascist son’s diaper. :smiley:


… I uh… I told them what the Freedom of Speech actually protects…


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Weird considering that was already mentioned. Maybe you should actually read the thread before making yourself look like a fool.

And that is why I can never join their side. In fact, I think they are worse than the people they hate so much.

h ttps://

No, you stop.


Laughs in Thalassian

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pssst, your link says you’re wrong

Transgender soldier exclusion
Main article: Directive-type Memorandum-19-004
Directive-type Memorandum-19-004 reinstated restrictions for transgender personnel and was signed by David L. Norquist on March 12, 2019. It came into effect April 12, 2019 and was supposed to expire exactly 11 months later but didn’t.


Why do Americans struggle so hard with the definition of fascism? Fun fact guys, authoritarianism =/= fascism. It’s actually a specific political system.


transgender personnel in the United States military are not allowed to serve or enlist in the United States military, except if they serve in their original sex assignment

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They do indeed. They start by asking for tolerance. Then they demand adherence. Then they label people who disagree as evil, and remove them, until there are no dissenters left.

All it takes is a good cause, like -protecting marginalized groups. Then otherwise good people label their friends, neighbors, and fellow countrymen as racists and intolerant, as they adopt a fascist ideology without even realising it.

I wish you could see it. Someday soon I think you, and many others will. It will be too late, and once again terrible atrocities are going to occur in the name of ‘tolerance’.


Ok, so you quoted the part where it says they can’t serve now, what’s your point?

Per Wikipedia they can currently serve in their original gender’s role.

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Fascists even break glass windows in shops at night.

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So again, they’ve been banned from serving as they actually are.


Cool, so you are admitting there is a ban on trans people serving in the military.