Pelagos. Is Transgender

Oh good, I see once again the people who want to make other people’s lives worse are calling the people who just want everyone to be able to live in peace fascists.


Who is who in that statement?

asking for a friend

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Multi-Billion dollar American corporation cares about you.


Transgender people are just trying to live their lives. Oppressors are hating.


The people treating other people’s free speech in reaction to their backwards ideas as the REAL fascism.

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Huh? Where? Are we still talking about a video game? If not, which country are you talking about that this takes place?

I don’t get why it triggers people so much that there’s a transgender character in a video game.

Maybe this isn’t the safespace y’all thought it was.


And class design is still trash priorities…

if your methods are fascistic, they deserve to be called as such.

you either want a free society or not. if not, europe is there for you. leave, go to it, you’d be plenty welcome.

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This just in; the freedom of speech is fascist! Lol

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I’d take a ‘fascist’ society where I have human rights and hate speech is banned over a ‘free’ society where I can’t serve in the military and parents teach their children hate.

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Maybe if there weren’t so many super triggered snowflakes crying that this game isn’t a safe space because there’s one character that’s rather low key that they think is icky that would be a valid point. But here we are with all the people going off on how it’s an attack on them that that one character exists.

No. I like this society and won’t let the fascists like you destroy it for everyone else. Tolerating intolerance just allows the intolerant to gain power and destroy freedom. If you don’t like that there’s plenty of places run by tyrants who put down the people you don’t like.


that’s not issue, and you know it.

that’s the correct method of dealing with things. but you people don’t just stop there.

Ah, since I started talking on these forums I’ve been lumped into various groups.

So who am I today?

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People don’t seem to realize how big this is. Not only are you serving your country but a lot of military programs are GREAT for getting a good education if you cannot afford to yourself.

congrats, you can at least admit you’re a fascist.

i’m sure it feels wonderful to be what you hate.

Imagine comparing an optional text option to rape.

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My character is classified as asexual, any reproductive organs were destroyed or removed for further study in the abom labs. I’d play a Ray Harryhausen skeleton if I could, no gender whatsoever unless you break out a fine measuring device.

You’re just projecting your own fascism on others.

If you weren’t so upset by people that don’t meet your ideals existing in a pretend world you consider your safe space you wouldn’t be posting.


Today you are awesome, Fezzy, just like every other day!

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